How Long to Microwave Cold Cuts When Pregnant?

How Long to Microwave Cold Cuts When Pregnant?

If you’re pregnant, trying to avoid certain foods, or just generally eating a more wholesome diet, then it can be tricky to know how long to microwave your cold cuts.

Depending on the type of meat you cut, different methods and lengths of time will be required to heat it safely. Luckily there is some general advice that covers most cold cuts.

Microwaving them for too long will dry them out, while not microwaving them long enough could put you at risk of contracting listeria or other bacteria. How Long to Microwave Cold Cuts When Pregnant? As with all food preparation, read the label and follow the instructions given.

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How long do you microwave cold cuts for when pregnant?

As a general rule you should be heating cold cuts in the microwave for no longer than three minutes. Of course, this doesn’t include the time it will take to heat the microwaves.

If you have a really large slice of meat that won’t be heated through in three minutes, then you can simply take it out, place it back in the dish, and continue microwaving it until it’s cooked.

Cold cuts are generally pretty small so if you are microwaving a large chunk of meat, you may want to cut it into smaller pieces so it will heat through quicker.

If you are unsure if the cold cut is thoroughly cooked, then you can use a food thermometer to check it.

Which cold cuts are safe to eat when pregnant?

Beef – Beef is a great source of iron and protein and can be used in many different ways. It is a great cold cut to eat when pregnant because it has a low risk of contamination.

Pork – Pork is high in protein, fat, and vitamin B. It is also low risk of contamination during production. Lamb – Lamb is another good source of iron and protein.

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It is produced in the same way as pork, so low risk of contamination.

Which cold cuts need to be microwaved longer when pregnant?

Fish – Fish is a great source of protein, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids, but it is susceptible to contamination. This means that during pregnancy you will need to microwave fish for longer to kill off any harmful bacteria.

Charcuterie – Cold cuts such as salami, pepperoni, and ham are fermented, meaning that the bacteria is already present in the meat.

Soy products – If you are craving some deli meat, check the label to see if it contains soy.

Which cold cuts should not be microwaved during pregnancy?

Soft and gooey cheese – Cheeses such as Brie and Camembert should not be microwaved, as they are at risk of becoming soft and gooey.

Cooked Deli Meats – Whilst deli meats are a great source of protein, they have been cooked and contain bacteria. They shouldn’t be microwaved as they could become contaminated.

Raw meat – Very small amounts of raw meat could be microwaved, but don’t microwave large amounts or you could risk contamination. It is best to heat raw meat thoroughly in the oven.

How Long to Microwave Cold Cuts When Pregnant?

Which cold cuts are safe during pregnancy?

Salads – Salads are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fibre. They are also low risk of contamination, so can be microwaved with no issues.

Cheese – Hard cheeses are a popular choice for sandwiches and can be microwaved. Be careful not to overcook them, though.

Canned Deli Meats – Canned deli meats are a great choice for pregnant women as they are low risk of contamination.

Which cold cuts require longer to heat in the microwave?

Whole Turkey Breast – Whole turkey breast takes longer than a standard turkey slice, so be sure to check the temperature with a food thermometer.

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Sandwiches – Sandwiches are a great way to use cold cuts, salads, and other healthy ingredients. Be sure to heat the sandwiches with the lid closed to ensure they remain warm and moist.

Which cold cuts should be heated more thoroughly?

Canned Deli Meats – Canned meats are low risk of contamination, but they should be heated thoroughly in the microwave.

Whole Turkey Breast – Whole turkey breast should be heated thoroughly to kill off any harmful bacteria. Sandwiches – Sandwiches should be heated thoroughly to ensure they stay moist and warm.

Pros and Cons of Microwaving Your Cold Cuts When Pregnant

Pros – Cold cuts are a very easy and quick way to make a healthy and filling meal. There is a wide variety of cold cuts to choose from, so there is something for everyone.

Cons – Cold cuts are mainly made up of processed meat, so they have a high amount of sodium and very little fibre.

Cons – Cold cuts are often high in fat, so they are not the healthiest snack to eat regularly. You could be better off having a salad or steamed vegetables with a small amount of low-fat dressing.

How Long to Microwave Cold Cuts When Pregnant?

Canned Deli Meats

Canned deli meats are usually packed with sodium and preservatives, so they are not the healthiest option for anyone.

However, they are a great choice for pregnant women as they are low risk of contamination.

If you decide to eat canned deli meats, be sure to check the label and make sure that it does not contain any added ingredients such as soy, nitrates, or sugar.

Beef, Pork, and Lamb

Beef, pork, and lamb are high risk of contamination, so you will need to microwave them for longer to kill off any harmful bacteria.

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Make sure that you check the label of the cold cuts to see if the producer has listed any advisory warnings. Some cold cuts will list that they are not suitable for pregnant women.

How long do you microwave cold cuts for when pregnant?

The general rule is to microwave cold cuts for 1 minute for every 50g.

This will ensure you avoid eating undercooked meat and risk of listeria, while also not drying out the meat too much.

If the package says “ready to eat,” then you don’t need to worry about microwaving the cold cuts at all. However, if the package says “reheat” or “keep refrigerated,” you’ll need to microwave for longer.

If you’re microwaving hotdogs, sausages, or other processed meats, then it’s recommended you microwave for 2 minutes for every 50g.


What can you do to reduce the amount of radiation while microwaving food?

You can reduce the amount of radiation when microwaving food by using a microwaveable dish that is made specifically for microwaves, not touching the food with your hands, and keeping the door closed.

How long should you microwave cold cuts when pregnant?

Experts suggest 1 to 2 minutes in a microwave.


Cold cuts are a quick and easy meal that can be eaten at any time of the day, whether you are eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

When pregnant, it is important to be careful what types of cold cuts you choose. To be on the safe side, choose cold cuts that are low risk of contamination.

If you are unsure which cold cuts are safe to eat during pregnancy, then it is best to do some research or speak to your doctor.

When it comes to microwaving your cold cuts when pregnant, you should be careful not to heat them for too long or they could dry out.