How to Align a Garden Tap

A garden tap is a beautiful addition to any home’s landscape. But, whether you are installing a new one or fixing an old one, there are two things you need to know about garden taps before you start the process. The first is that they are either left or right hand threaded. This means that there are different taps for the left and right side of the sink. The other thing you need to know is that they can be mounted in two ways: with a base plate or without. If mounting with a base plate, follow these steps to align your tap properly. You need to know how to align a garden tap.

You’ve purchased a new garden tap and now you’re trying to figure out how to install it. But, you don’t want to do the job yourself and you don’t want to hire a professional either. Not to worry! This article is for those who are looking for a solution.

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Left or Right Hand Threaded

Garden taps are either left or right hand threaded. This means that there is a different tap for each side of the sink and that they need to be screwed in accordingly.

Mounting Type

The first thing to consider is the type of tap you are installing. If you are mounting without a base plate, it’s very easy. The tap will come with holes for screws or nails so all you need to do is drill holes in your wall and use the screws or nails to install the tap.

If you are installing with a base plate, it can be more complicated. It’s best if the tap is level to the top of the countertop so it doesn’t drip or leak. To do this, mark where your holes should go on the wall and then place your base plate over them. Take a pencil and put an X on either side of each hole just above where it will go on the base plate. Then take two pieces of string and thread one through each X hole in the wall, pulling them out at each end until they are taut. Now hold up your base plate to make sure that you have marked both sides evenly. When aligned correctly, you should see four X marks across from one another when looking down at your base plate. Mark these spots on your wall with a pencil if necessary before drilling in your taps using a level.

How to Align a Garden Tap
Garden Tap

Preparing the tap

1. Locate the overflow hole on the underside of your sink.

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2. Place a scrap piece of wood under the underside of your sink to raise it up high enough for you to be able to easily reach underneath. You will need to do this so that you can connect the hoses and ensure that they are long enough to reach the tap without any kinks.

3. Place a level on top of the scraps of wood and adjust your screws until you have ensured it is level with the ground, ensuring that all legs are even and there is space around it.

4. Empty out any water from your sink before beginning installation in order to avoid getting water everywhere when connecting hoses.

Preparing the Tap Base

First, make sure the mounting surface is clean and dry. Next, place the tap base on the mounting surface. (Make sure it is level and not too close to the edge of the mounting surface.)

Next, use a spirit level to check that there are no gaps. If there are any, you will need to remove and realign the base plate before continuing. Once they item is level and there are no gaps, use a pencil or marker to mark where you want your tap.

Aligning the Tap

The first step is to measure the distance from the base of the tap to where you want the water spout to be. This will give you an idea of how much space you need between the tap and the sink.

The next step is to determine how deep your sink is. You can do this by inserting a small ruler or piece of wood into the sink until it meets with the bottom.

Once you know how deep your sink is, make sure that your base plate is at least as deep as your sink. If you are unable to find a base plate that matches up with your sink’s measurements, then use some plumber’s putty on either side of the base plate to create a lip that will match up with your sink.

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Fixing Issues

If your tap is leaking, there are a few reasons why this can happen. The first reason is that the washers are worn out. This will push the water up the spout instead of down into your sink. You can replace these by unscrewing them with a wrench or pliers then screwing them back in place.

Another reason your garden tap could be leaking is because it has been over tightened. If you have tightened the tap too hard, it may cause damage to your tap or surrounding area. To prevent this from happening, make sure to use an appropriate amount of torque when tightening the screws on your tap.

A third possibility for leakage is that you have not tightened all of the screws on the faucet base plate correctly. When installing a new garden tap or fixing an old one, after securing each screw, make sure to tighten them all evenly to ensure that water doesn’t leak into other parts of your home’s plumbing system.

Step 1 – Install the garden tap

Before you can install a garden tap, you first need to make sure it is properly seated.

To do this, take a soft cloth and wrap it around the threads on the underside of the tap.

Next, tighten the tap by turning it clockwise with your fingers.

Lastly, use pliers to finish tightening it.

Step 2 – Level out the garden tap

If you’re installing a full-body tap, position it so the body of the tap is sitting on the ground with the spout at the correct height. You can use pieces of wood or blocks to prop up one side while you tighten the tap’s connection.

If you’re installing a wall mounted garden tap, simply position it so that it’s level with your desired height and then tighten it into place.

Step 3 – Aligning The Garden Tap.

When you have the correct size of pipe cut to length, it’s time to begin connecting everything. Start by putting the threaded end of the tap into the hole in the wall, threaded end up. Then align the tap so that it is straight and level with your last screw point. Use a spirit level if you have one to check that your tap is even on all sides.

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If you need to tweak anything, do so now before tightening any other screws. Once you’ve made sure it’s perfect, tighten all screws for a watertight seal.

How to align a garden tap FAQS

What is a garden tap?

A garden tap is a plumbing fixture that connects a water supply line to the sink. They come in left or right-hand thread to accommodate either side of your sink. Garden taps can be mounted with or without a base plate, but this article will focus on the latter.

What are the two ways I can mount my garden tap?

You can mount your garden tap with or without a base plate. This article will focus on mounting without a base plate.

How do I align a garden tap?

The taps are aligned by turning them clockwise or anti-clockwise until they are level with each other.

What is the difference between full-body and wall mounted garden taps?

Full-body taps are usually installed in the ground, while wall mounted ones typically attach to your wall.

Do I need to install a tap with an external or internal connection?

The installation type depends on your water source. If you plan on connecting it to an outside tap, then you’ll need an exterior connection. If you’re using an inside tap, then choose internal.

What do I do if my tap doesn’t come with instructions?

Some taps come with instructional videos that can help you figure out how to install them. If not, take a look at your old tap for guidance—you may be able to use it as a reference point.


Having a well-functioning garden tap is important for any garden.

Good quality water flow is essential for plants to grow, and an obstructed water flow can lead to root damage.

It’s worth taking the time to align your garden tap correctly, as it can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run.

This guide will walk you through the process of installing a garden tap.

Step 1: Check to see if it’s left or right hand threaded.

Step 2: The tap needs to be mounted on the wall or slab.

Step 3: Prepare the tap.

Step 4: Prepare the tap base.

Step 5: Align the tap.

Step 6: Fixing issues.

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