How to Change Vacuum Cleaner to Blower

How to Change Vacuum Cleaner to Blower
Image source: Amy spleight

If you are looking for a way to maintain your home, you may be considering changing your vacuum cleaner to a blower. A blower can help remove dirt and other particles from hard-to-reach spaces and provide more powerful suction than a vacuum cleaner.

Before making the change, it is important to consider if this is the right option for you. Consider some of the following things before making your decision: The amount of space in your house and how often you vacuum

The type of floors in your home

The type of surfaces in your home

How often you want to use your vacuum cleaner

If now is not the time for a change, here are some ways to maintain your home with a vacuum cleaner.

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What Is a Blower?

A blower is a type of vacuum cleaner that uses air to blow dirt, dust, and other particles away from surfaces. There are many different types of blowers. Some work well on surfaces with high edges like chairs, sofas, and tables. Others are great for removing dust from hard-to-reach spaces or blowing out gutters.

Pros and Cons of a Vacuum Cleaner vs. a Blower

The main difference between a vacuum cleaner and a blower is the ability to clean hard-to-reach areas. With a vacuum cleaner, you need to physically move around your house to get all of the dirt. A blower will allow you to clean hard-to-reach spaces without having to bend over or even leave your couch.

Another difference is how powerful the suction is. A vacuum cleaner has more powerful suction than a blower, which can be beneficial for vacuuming items from carpets and rugs.

A blower does have some benefits though. For example, it blows air out in order to dry surfaces and remove dust particles from surfaces like wood. It also has a longer cord making it easier to clean large spaces without ever having to stop or unplug it.

Overall, each option has its specific advantages and disadvantages. It’s important that you consider what type of floors are in your home, how many rooms there are, how often you plan on using your vacuum cleaner before changing over to a blower.

Considerations for the Change

The first thing to consider is the size of your house. If you have a small home, a vacuum cleaner may be enough for you. However, if you have a larger home or vacuuming needs to happen more often, a blower may be a better option for you.

The type of floors in your home is another consideration. If you have a lot of different surfaces, such as tile and carpet, then a blower may be the best option for you. On the other hand, if all of your floors are one type (such as linoleum or hardwood), then a vacuum cleaner might be more convenient for you.

Lastly, think about how often you want to use your vacuum cleaner. If it only needs to be used once every few weeks when guests come over or when the floor has been very dirty from an event like food spills during dinner, then a vacuum cleaner is enough for your needs. But if vacuuming happens more than once per week and even with regular cleaning of your carpets they are still looking extremely dirty with pet hair embedded in them, then switching to a blower might work best for you and provide better results over time.

The Space in Your House

The space in your house is a significant factor to consider. A vacuum cleaner will be more effective for smaller spaces such as apartments and homes that are not too large. However, a blower may be better for larger homes with many rooms, as well as for homes with hard-to-reach areas that require more powerful suction, such as stairs or corners.

The Type of Floors in Your Home

The type of floors in your home can help you determine if a vacuum cleaner or a blower is the best option. If your home has carpet, a vacuum cleaner might be the best option because it will be able to pick up any debris that may have been left behind by a pet or child. However, if you have hardwood or tile floors, this might be an opportunity to switch to a blower that can clean debris from surfaces without actually touching them.

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The Type of Surfaces in Your Home

If you have a home with a lot of different surfaces, such as wood, tile, and carpet, a vacuum cleaner may be more effective. A blower can’t effectively clean all surfaces and may not be the best option for you.

Maintaining Your Home with a Vacuum Cleaner

How to Change Vacuum Cleaner to Blower
Image source: Gughes

If you don’t want to change your vacuum cleaner for a blower, there are many ways to maintain your home. A vacuum cleaner can be used to clean hard-to-reach areas, such as on top of the refrigerator or under furniture. The vacuum cleaner provides more efficient cleaning than a broom and dustpan.

You also have the option of purchasing attachments to allow for more specific cleaning, such as attachements that can handle pet hair or floors with deep crevices. Another way to maintain your home is by using a wet/dry vacuum. These vacuums can work in both wet and dry situations without having to switch out any parts, which saves you time and money in the long run.

Downsides of using a blower

How to Change Vacuum Cleaner to Blower
Image source: BG

One of the main downsides to using a blower is the noise it will make. Some people may find the noise to be too much and prefer the silence of a vacuum cleaner. Another downside is that you will have to bend down more often when doing work with a blower. You will not be able to clean as many surfaces with a blower since it does not have an attachment like some vacuums do.

Step 1: Change vacuum cleaner to upright position

The first step in this process is to change the vacuum cleaner to its upright position. This is to make room for the blower attachment to be fitted on the machine. While this might seem like an unnecessary step to do, it’s very important in order to avoid any misalignment while fitting the blower attachment.

Most vacuum cleaners have wheels that can be adjusted to change the orientation of the machine. You can use these wheels to turn the vacuum upright in order to fit the blower attachment. Alternatively, you can also tilt the vacuum on its side and position the blower attachment at the rear of the machine.

Step 2: Loosen the hose and turn it 180 degrees

The second step in this process is to loosen the hose and turn it 180 degrees so that it points towards the back of the machine. This is to make room for the blower attachment to be fitted on the machine. While this might seem like an unnecessary step to do, it’s very important in order to avoid any misalignment while fitting the blower attachment.

After loosening the hose, you will have to turn it 180 degrees and position it towards the back of the machine. This will help you to fit the blower attachment on the machine and makes room for it to be properly aligned while fitting.

Step 3: Unhook the hose

The third step is to un-hook the hose from the vacuum. This is to make room for the blower attachment to be fitted on the machine. While this might seem like an unnecessary step to do, it’s very important in order to avoid any misalignment while fitting the blower attachment.

The only thing you need to do here is to remove the hose that’s attached to the vacuum. Do note that you will have to do it from the vacuum side and not from the blower side. The hose will have to be removed from the vacuum side to make room for the blower attachment to be fitted on the machine.

Step 4: Remove the extension tube

How to Change Vacuum Cleaner to Blower
Image source: CAD

The fourth step is to remove the extension tube from the vacuum. This is to make room for the blower attachment to be fitted on the machine. While this might seem like an unnecessary step to do, it’s very important in order to avoid any misalignment while fitting the blower attachment.

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The only thing you have to do here is to open the extension tube from the vacuum. Do note that you will have to do it from the vacuum side and not from the blower side. The extension tube will have to be opened from the vacuum side to make room for the blower attachment to be fitted on the machine.

Step 5: Take off the bottom cover

The fifth step is to take off the bottom cover of the vacuum. This is to make room for the blower attachment to be fitted on the machine. While this might seem like an unnecessary step to do, it’s very important in order to avoid any misalignment while fitting the blower attachment.

The only thing you have to do here is to open a few screws that are present at the bottom of the vacuum. Do note that you will have to do it from the vacuum side and not from the blower side. The bottom cover will have to be opened from the vacuum side to make room for the blower attachment to be fitted on the machine.

Step 6: Change to blower mode

The sixth and final step in this process is to change the vacuum cleaner to blower mode. This is to fit the blower attachment on the machine. While this might seem like an unnecessary step to do, it’s very important in order to avoid any misalignment while fitting the blower attachment.

You will have to open the vacuum cleaner from the side where the blower attachment is placed. Do note that you will have to do it from the vacuum side and not from the blower side. You will have to open the vacuum from the vacuum side to fit the blower attachment on the machine.

Can you make a vacuum cleaner into a blower?

Although most vacuum cleaners can be converted into a blower, one should not expect the same level of performance as that of a dedicated blower. A vacuum cleaner can only do so much, and it’s not the best tool for tackling difficult tasks like sucking chunky debris or blowing them out of the way. A dedicated blower can be very helpful in situations where the vacuum cleaner isn’t effective enough in sucking up heavy debris or blowing it out of the way.

In such cases, the vacuum cleaner can be easily converted into a blower by attaching a special tool that comes with most vacuum cleaners.

How do I switch from vacuum to blower?

There are a few things that you have to do in order to switch your vacuum cleaner to a blower. The first thing that you have to do is to remove the extension tube from the vacuum cleaner. After that, you will have to open the vacuum from the side where the blower attachment is placed.

The next thing that you will have to do is to open the bottom cover of the vacuum. Finally, you will have to fit the blower attachment on the vacuum cleaner. While this procedure might sound cumbersome, it’s really not. It’s just that you have to follow a certain order to make sure that everything is done properly.

How do you turn a shop vac into a blower?

To convert a shop vac into a blower, all you have to do is place the blower attachment at the back of the shop vac. After that, you will have to open the vacuum cleaner from the side where the blower attachment is placed. The next thing that you will have to do is to open the bottom cover of the vacuum.

Finally, you will have to fit the blower attachment on the vacuum cleaner. While this procedure might sound cumbersome, it’s really not. It’s just that you have to follow a certain order to make sure that everything is done properly.

What is a blower port on a shop vac?

The blower port of a shop vac is basically a special port that allows you to fit an air blower on the vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner with the blower is known as a “bagless vacuum and blower”. Blower ports are very common on commercial vacuums and are more often than not self-contained units.

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Blowers usually come with a small tube that is connected to the shop vac through a blower port. The vacuum cleaner will suck up the air and debris, while the blower will push the air out through the tube. This will help push the debris out of the way and leave the carpet looking clean and tidy.


What is the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a blower?

Vacuum cleaners are designed to pick up debris from surfaces like flooring, furniture, and carpets. Blowers are designed for hard-to-reach areas that vacuum cleaners cannot reach. Blowers use suction power to remove dirt and other particles from difficult spaces like vents or in the corners of your ceiling. A blower can be used as an alternative to vacuuming, but it cannot provide the same level of surface coverage as a vacuum cleaner can.

Is it necessary to change my vacuum cleaner to a blower?

The need to change your vacuum cleaner to a blower depends on how often you clean your home and what type of floors you have in your home. You may not feel the need to make this change if you only occasionally use your vacuum or if you have mostly carpeted floors. If you have hardwood flooring or live in an area with a lot of allergens, it may be necessary for you to invest in a blower.

How should I maintain my home with my current vacuum cleaner?

There are many ways that you can maintain your home with just a vacuum cleaner! Consider using attachments for different services such as pet hair removal and cleaning upholstery. You can also buy extra filters for your current machine so that it will last longer before needing replacement.

How do you change a vacuum cleaner to a blower?

To change a vacuum cleaner to a blower, you have to first put your vacuum cleaner in the upright position. Then, you need to loosen the hose and turn it 180 degrees. You also need to unplug the hose from the vacuum cleaner. After that, you need to remove the extension tube from the vacuum cleaner. Finally, you need to take off the bottom cover of your vacuum cleaner before you can put the blower attachment on the vacuum.

What tools do I need to change a vacuum cleaner to a blower?

To change a vacuum cleaner to a blower, all you need is your vacuum cleaner and the blower attachment.

Are vacuum cleaners and blowers the same thing?

No. Vacuum cleaners are devices that suck in dirt and debris from your floor and suck it into a bag or a canister.


A blower is a device that is used to create a flow of air. It typically has a tube and nozzle that protrudes from the device to make it easy to direct the flow of air. This can be helpful for those who want to clean their floors without bending over, for those with back problems, for those who want to clean their carpets, and for those who want to dry off their pets after a walk in the rain.

Blowers are also helpful when you don’t want to drag out your vacuum cleaner every time you need to clean up a mess.

Blowers are also helpful when you don’t want to drag out your vacuum cleaner every time you need to clean up a mess.

If you have hardwood or tile floors, a blower could be a great option for you, but if you have carpet, then you may want to stick with your vacuum cleaner.

When it comes to deciding whether or not to make the change, keep in mind what type of flooring and surfaces you have in your home and if they will benefit from the use of a blower. Its great that know you know how to How to Change Vacuum Cleaner to Blower.