How to Change Water Dispenser Faucet

How to Change Water Dispenser Faucet

If you’ve just bought a new home and are looking to renovate, then you might be anxious about all the work that needs to be done. One of the easiest ways to freshen up your kitchen is by changing out your old water dispenser for a shiny new one. This guide explains How to Change Water Dispenser Faucet.

Water dispenser faucets can get damaged from frequent use, and because they are specific to the type of water dispenser you own, it may not be as easy to find a replacement as a regular faucet. In most cases, there will be a sticker or some other indication of what size and type of faucet you should buy.

However, if this information isn’t available or if the one you have is broken beyond repair, then things get a little trickier. Replacing your water dispenser faucet will involve getting access to the inside of your water dispenser cabinet.

Steps to Changing Your Faucet

Here are the steps you need to take in order to change your water dispenser faucet:

1. Turn off the water at the shut-off valve before removing the old faucet.

2. Remove any existing packing or cork from around the base of the faucet.

3. Disconnect the hot and cold supply tubes from the faucet by unscrewing them from their connectors.

4. Remove any debris, corrosion, or old plumbers putty from around the base of the faucet with a putty knife or scraper.

5. Put new plumbers putty over all threads on both sides of where you’re installing a new ball or cartridge assembly and tighten it securely in place by hand. (Note: You should never use tape for this.)

6. Tighten any loose screws using a screwdriver but don’t overtighten them as you could strip out your fixtures and cause leaks in your plumbing system if they come loose later on down the line!

7. Position and hold a new ball or cartridge assembly over where you removed an old one, lining up both ends of it with a sealant had so that it will not leak when tightened down by hand, then tighten it securely in place by hand again to ensure no leakage occurs.

8. Reconnect your hot and cold supply tubes to their corresponding connectors on either end of where you installed your new ball

Turn Off the Water Supply

The first step is to turn off the water supply. You’ll need to do this in order to get started on changing your water dispenser faucet. If you don’t turn off the water supply, you could end up with a huge mess and a flooded kitchen.

Remove the Faucet

The first thing you need to do is remove your old faucet. You can find the nut underneath the sink and unscrew it from the faucet.

Then, slowly pull up on the faucet to avoid any sudden movements that might cause damage to your sink or cabinet.

Make sure that you put a towel underneath the water line so there’s nothing spilled on your floor.

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Once your old water dispenser faucet has been removed, go ahead and install the new one in its place. Hand-tighten all fittings until they are tight enough, but be careful not to over tighten them as this may cause leaks.

Remove the cover

The first step in this process is to remove the cover on the water dispenser. It’s often held in place by screws, but it might also be held in place by a latch that you’ll need to depress by hand.

Once the cover is off, you should be able to see the inside of the water dispenser and the top of the faucet.

Take off the faucet shank

The faucet shank is the portion of the faucet that connects the faucet to the water dispenser. This is where you’ll want to use your wrench to loosen and remove the faucet shank. Once the faucet shank is loose, you should be able to pull it out of the water dispenser assembly.

Disconnect the Hose From the Faucet

To disconnect the hose from your old water dispenser, you’ll need to first shut off the water and then turn on a faucet at the base of the sink. This will allow for any pressure in the hose to dissipate before disconnecting it.

Connect one end of the hose to your new water dispenser and reconnect it to the faucet. Turn on a faucet at the base of your sink and check for leaks.

Remove the Packer Nut and Washers

Before you can remove the water dispenser faucet, you’ll need to remove the packing nut and washers that are holding it in place. You can use a crescent wrench to loosen the nut and then pull up on the handle to pop off the washers.

Installing a New Faucet

If your home has a water dispenser, the first thing you need to do is find the valve that controls the hot and cold water lines. You’ll find this valve near the kitchen sink or under the sink.

Once you’ve found it, use a wrench to loosen up the nut that attaches it to the pipes. Once you loosen it enough, pull it off with your hands and set it aside.

Next, attach your new faucet to either side of the pipe by tightening down a nut on each side.

Finally, attach the hoses where they belong on either side of your new faucet and tighten down any screws necessary.

Replace any hoses that are damaged

If you open up the water dispenser and find that there are any hoses that are damaged, cracked, or leaking, then you’ll want to replace them. The best way to do this is to find a water dispenser repair kit online and use those parts instead of trying to find replacement hoses for a specific model.

The water dispenser repair kits are designed to be universal, so even if you don’t know which hose goes where, these kits will likely have the parts you need.

Test and make sure it works

Even if the old faucet is broken, you’ll want to test out the new faucet to make sure it works properly before you put everything back together.

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You can do this by connecting the new faucet shank to the assembly by hand. It should be loose enough so that you can move it back and forth. If you can’t move the faucet back and forth, then you definitely need to either tighten the connection or replace the faucet shank.

Install the new faucet

Once the old faucet shank is removed and the new one is tested and confirmed to be in working order, you can put it back in place on the water dispenser assembly. You may need to use plumber’s tape to ensure that it doesn’t leak, and you may also need to apply a small amount of silicone around the threads to ensure it doesn’t loosen up again.

You’ll also need to thread the faucet shank back into the water dispenser. At this point, you may find that it’s easier and faster if you remove the water dispenser from the wall. This can be done by removing a few screws inside the water dispenser (the location of these screws will be indicated by arrows on the outside of the water dispenser).

Why You Should Change Your Water Dispenser Faucet

One of the key components of your kitchen is the tap that provides you with water. The water dispenser can take up a lot of space and can be an eyesore if it’s not designed well. When you replace the faucet, it will instantly improve the overall look of your kitchen.

Plus, it will give you a chance to change up the design in order to reflect your taste and personality. Another great perk? If you have hard water, replacing the faucet will help get rid of those minerals and sediment inside. A new water dispenser will also reduce noise as they are usually more silent than old ones.

What You Need To Know

Changing your water dispenser faucet might seem like a daunting task. But, in reality, it’s one of the easier kitchen renovations to complete. The first thing you need to do is determine the type of water dispenser you have.

You can do this by lifting up the handle and looking for an “H” on the spout plate. If there isn’t an “H”, then it means that you have either a pull-out or a push-down faucet. The next step is to purchase new hardware from your local home improvement store.

There are many different types of water dispensers you can choose from, so take your time when deciding which type you want. Consider what will go with the style of your kitchen best before making your purchase. For example, if you have a stainless-steel sink and countertops, then you might want to get a stainless steel water dispenser as well.

You will also need a drill with a bit that matches the size of the escutcheon (the neck). Once you have all these supplies in hand, it’s time to get started

Related article: How to Build a Lego Water Dispenser.

What Tools Are Needed?

The tools needed for this job will depend on the type of faucet you have, so this will vary from one person to the next. The faucet shank will be removed in the next step, so make sure you have a wrench that will fit that size.

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Depending on the type of water dispenser, you might also need a hammer and a screwdriver. You’ll also need a bucket or a large bowl to catch any water that leaks while you’re working. It’s easier to deal with it while it’s still inside the water dispenser instead of trying to clean up spilled water on the floor.


What do I need to change my water dispenser faucet?

For a standard installation, all you need is a screwdriver and a wrench. If your home has a lead-free (copper) water line, then you’ll need to replace the copper washer under the faucet valve.

How can I install my new water dispenser?

First, shut off the main water supply to your home. Remove the old water faucet by turning it counterclockwise with your wrench. Then, clean off any leftover parts and debris from your sink so that you can set up your new faucet easily. Securely attach the handle onto your new valve by hand tightening it until it’s tight. Attach the spout in place by hand tightening it as well, or use plumber’s tape if you want an extra tight seal. Check for leaks before using your new faucet!

What causes the water dispenser valve to leak?

The most common cause of a water dispenser valve leak is a faulty washer. Over time, the washer will get worn down and lose its ability to create a water-tight seal, causing a leak.

How do you fix a leaky faucet attached to a water dispenser?

To stop a leaky faucet attached to a water dispenser, you’ll need to replace the washer inside the faucet. You can usually do this by turning the faucet off and removing the handle.

What happens if you don’t clean your water dispenser regularly?

The dispenser may not work properly and may eventually stop working altogether. A dirty water dispenser can also attract bugs and rodents.

How often should you clean your water dispenser?

The dispenser should be cleaned once a week, and the water filters should be replaced every six months.


Water dispensers are great for the office, but they can be finicky. They can be difficult to clean, and they can also be difficult to repair.

If you’re having trouble with your water dispenser, don’t try to fix it yourself unless you’re confident in your abilities. Instead, call a professional to come inspect the problem and give you an estimate for repair.

Changing any faucet is a project and changing a water dispenser faucet is certainly no exception. However, if you take your time and go through the process of changing the faucet, it can be a rewarding experience.