How to Clean a Coffee Maker

How to clean a coffee Maker

Is your coffee tasting bitter lately? With this simple approach for cleaning a coffee maker and carafe, you can get rid of disgusting buildup within the machine. To make your next cup of coffee taste fresh and delicious, follow these steps to clean a coffee maker with vinegar and water.

Your coffee machine may not be as clean as you assume. Cleaning your coffee maker is a simple task that requires little effort and can help extend its life.

Coffee makers were identified as the fifth germiest location in a home, with half of the reservoirs investigated containing yeast and mold, according to studies. These germs can cause allergic responses or even infections, so your coffee machine could make you ill if it isn’t properly cleaned. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps of how to clean a coffee maker with vinegar and water.

To get started with cleaning your coffee machine, here are some basic instructions:

Saturate a paper filter in vinegar and place it in the drip basket. Run two cycles of cold tap water (about 30 ounces at a time) through the machine to remove any residue from coffee oils and other impurities.

Pour 2 cups of pure vinegar into your carafe. Turn on the machine and run it through a full brew cycle without adding any water, which will dislodge all built up minerals in the reservoir. You may need to repeat this step if there is still vinegar.

Cleaning a coffee pot may seem intimidating, but it is not hard when you know how. You can learn how to clean a coffee pot effectively and (nearly) new in just a few simple steps, which is good news for any would-be Hoover. We’ll go through how to clean a regular drip coffee maker using only vinegar and water. Whether you’re using a drip coffee maker, a French press, or another type of machine, you’ll need to set aside some time for the vinegar to do its job, so don’t try this right before you need to make a fresh pot.

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How to Clean a Coffee Maker

If you use your coffee maker on a daily basis, schedule for it to be cleaned once every month. However, if you only use the machine on weekends or sporadically, clean it twice a year. Some drinkers, on the other hand, may only require to repeat this process every three to six months. It’s time to clean your coffee maker if you see visible buildup around the pot or basket, or if your coffee tastes odd.

It’s also essential to clean your machine if you can’t remove any of the parts for cleaning or replacing.

Before you begin, fill the reservoir with equal parts water and white vinegar. It is vital that you use plain white vinegar here since other kinds are often too harsh to drink. Using distilled or purified water is also recommended for this process

What You’ll Need

  • Coffee maker
  • water
  • White distilled vinegar
  • some coffee filters
  • A piece of cleaning cloth

Step 1: Inside the coffee maker pour some vinegar and water.

To begin with, fill the reservoir with a 50-50 mixture of white distilled vinegar and water. If your coffee maker has a particularly severe case of gunk, you may increase the proportion of vinegar to water. The vinegar not only cleanses the coffee maker and carafe, but it also dissolves any mineral deposits that may have built up over time.

Step 2: Brew and let soak.

Place the filter in the basket and turn on the brewer. Allow the coffee maker to soak in the carafe and reservoir for roughly 30 to 60 minutes after midway through brewing, depending on how much residue you need to remove.

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Step 3: Finish the cycle and flush with water.

Allow the coffee to brew completely, then turn off the machine and unplug it. Remove and discard the paper filter, if there is one. Pour out the vinegar solution.

Then wash the vinegar smell and taste from the coffee maker. Fill the reservoir with clean water, put a filter in the basket, and turn on the machine. Allow it to complete the brewing cycle after filling it with fresh water. Remove the filter, pour out the water, and repeat with clean water for a second cycle. Remove the paper filter from the coffee maker and wipe it clean with a clean cloth.

Step 4: Dry and store.

Run one or two cycles with clean water to rinse the inside of the coffee maker completely, which removes any leftover vinegar taste. Finally, let it dry out completely before storing it away. 

After you finish this process your machine should be as good as new (or at least not feel like it’s

Related Article: Best Coffee Maker with Cone Filter


How do you remove buildup from a coffee maker?

Fill the water chamber halfway with white vinegar, and then top it off. Place your carafe in place so that you can start a brew cycle right away! Turn on for 1/2 hour or until finished brewing before turning off to prevent any more damage from occurring.

Does vinegar descale coffee maker?

One of the most common problems with coffee makers is that they get clogged up and stop working. To fix this, you need to descale your appliance by filling it halfway full with white distilled vinegar! Once completed brewing a cup should taste just like before – but now any leftover residue will have been thoroughly sanitized so there’s no longer anything stopping making good brews.


Now that you know how to clean a coffee maker, follow this step by step guide and get your machine looking and tasting like new. If there is still some residue left after doing this procedure , repeat the procedure until you finish all residue. Remember not to put it inside dishwasher, because the heat of the water may damage its components such.

The best way to clean your coffee maker is to use clear vinegar. It is effective in cleaning all types of mineral buildups, which are the main cause for bad taste and odor coming from your coffee maker. Be sure not to use flavored or white distilled vinegar . These products contain sugar that may leave behind a sticky residue, causing further damage to your machine.

Vinegar is also very helpful in removing water stains inside the tank . Hard water is known for leaving unsightly white stains on coffee makers, but vinegar will prevent this from happening.

Besides being cheap and available everywhere, vinegar can be used to clean many other things around the house.

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