How To Clean A Microwave With Bleach

How To Clean A Microwave With Bleach

Microwaves are an excellent way to reheat foods quickly and conveniently. In fact, most people use them on a daily basis. But microwaves come with a major downside: they can get dirty, which then spreads to your food.

Microwaves are convenient and quick, but they can also leave food with a slightly unappealing type of residue. That gunky film is from oils on your food reacting with the electromagnetic waves in the microwave. This article will explain how you can use household bleach to clean your microwave with ease.

The process takes less than 20 minutes, depending on how soiled your appliance is. So if it’s time for cleaning, read on to discover How To Clean A Microwave With Bleach

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Get the Right Supplies

The first step to cleaning a microwave with bleach is to gather the right supplies. You will need:

– A cup of water

– One-half cup of bleach

– Two tablespoons of vinegar

– Paper towels

– An empty bowl large enough to fit in the microwave when it

Remove the most obvious food from the microwave

When your microwave gets dirty, the first step is to remove the most obvious food from the appliance. This can be done by removing any dishes or cooking containers that may have grease and other food particles on them.

You also want to unplug the microwave and use a dishcloth or sponge to wipe down any greasy splatters on the inside of the appliance.

Remember not to use abrasive materials such as steel wool or aluminum foil, as this could scratch or damage your microwave’s interior.

Step 1: Prepare The Microwave

Before getting started on cleaning, first, make sure your microwave is unplugged. You want to avoid the risk of electrocution at all costs. Next, pop the turntable out of the microwave.

This will make it easier to clean the inside. Now you’re ready to begin cleaning your microwave.

You may also want to consider wearing gloves while cleaning your microwave as it may get pretty messy. You may also want to put on a face shield to protect your eyes from splatters while scrubbing away at the gunk.

Step 2: Mix The Baking Soda And Bleach

To clean your microwave, you’ll need to mix a few ingredients together. The main ingredient will be a cup of baking soda. You’ll also need a few tablespoons of bleach.

Start by adding the baking soda to the microwave. Leave the mixture on the turntable inside the microwave, and then mix the bleach with 1 cup of water in a separate bowl. Then, pour the bleach and water in with the baking soda.

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You don’t want to mix the baking soda and bleach directly because it will create a chemical reaction that creates fumes. This is a very bad thing in a closed environment like a microwave!

Step 3: Scrub With The Bleach Solution

Now that you have everything prepared in the microwave, it’s time to scrub away at the gunk on the walls. Put on a pair of gloves and use an old sponge or scouring pad to scrub the walls.

Make sure you scrub the walls and the turntable as well as the inside of the microwave.

Scrub the mixture for about 2 minutes, or until the walls are clean and shiny. You should also make sure to scrub the walls as close to the floor of the microwave as possible.

This ensures that you get rid of as much of the residue as possible.

How To Clean A Microwave With Bleach

Step 4: Rinse And Dry

Now that you’ve scrubbed the microwave, it’s time to rinse away all of the baking soda and bleach. You’ll want to use warm water for this.

You may want to add a dash of vinegar to the rinse cycle to ensure that the inside of the microwave is totally clean.

You’ll also want to make sure to dry the microwave thoroughly after you’ve rinsed it. The walls and turntable can be dried with a paper towel. However, the inside of the microwave needs to be dried with a sponge or cloth.

Bonus Step: Add Vinegar To The Rinse Cycle

If you have a particularly caked-on microwave, you may want to add a dash of vinegar to the rinse cycle. Vinegar is a great cleaning product and will help remove any lingering dirt from the microwave.

All you need to do is put a cup of white vinegar in the rinse cycle of the microwave. This will clean the inside of the microwave and leave it smelling fresh and clean.

How to clean outside of microwave

When it comes to cleaning the outside of the microwave, you’ll want to use a sponge with warm water. Make sure to scrub the microwave outside as close to the floor as possible.

This will ensure that you get rid of all the gunk on the outside.

You can also clean the outside of the microwave using baking soda and water. Simply mix 1 cup of baking soda with 1 cup of water and use a cloth to scrub the microwave. You can also use a sponge to scrub the microwave.

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How to clean the inside of a microwave

You should clean the inside of the microwave as thoroughly as possible. This will help to prevent the microwave from getting dirty and gross so quickly.

To clean the inside of the microwave, use a sponge with warm water and a mixture of baking soda and water.

Make sure that you scrub the inside of the microwave as close to the floor as possible. This will ensure that you get rid of all the caked-on gunk inside.

You can also clean the inside of the microwave using a bleach and water solution.

How To Clean A Microwave With Bleach

Can you use a microwave after cleaning it?

After you’ve cleaned your microwave, it’ll be sparkling clean and ready to use once again. However, you’ll want to make sure to clean the microwave after each use to ensure that it stays clean.

You can use the same methods to clean the microwave after every use. Simply mix up a solution of baking soda and water and scrub the inside with a sponge.

You can also clean the outside of the microwave with a sponge and warm water.

What can happen if you don’t clean your microwave with bleach?

As mentioned before, microwaves can get dirty over time. If you don’t regularly clean your microwave, it can lead to a buildup of grease and food particles in the bottom.

This can be a fire hazard and will make it difficult for your appliance to cook food evenly or thoroughly.

If you have a microwave with a rotating carousel, dirt could also accumulate on the carousel itself, meaning that your food won’t be cooked evenly. In addition, if you leave this dirt go for too long, it may lead to a buildup of mold or mildew inside your microwave.

This is dangerous because it can contaminate the air in your kitchen and spread throughout the house.


Can you use bleach on other appliances in the kitchen?

Yes. Bleach is an excellent way to kill bacteria and keep your kitchen sanitized. It can also be used to sterilize cutting boards, countertops, and more.

How often should you clean your microwave?

You should clean your microwave at least once a week. If you’re busy and don’t have the chance, try to do it once a month.

What can I use to clean my microwave?

There are many products that will clean your microwave effectively. One of the most popular methods is using bleach and water. Simply pour 1/4 cup of bleach into a 1/2 cup of water and place it in the microwave for 5 minutes. After those five minutes, turn off the microwave and let it sit for about 30 minutes without opening it. The longer you allow it to sit, the better and more effective this method will be. You can also use natural cleaners like vinegar or lemon juice if you prefer to avoid chemicals like bleach

Is It Safe To Clean A Microwave With Bleach?

Yes! The key is to only use a little bit of bleach at a time. You don’t want to use too much and create toxic fumes.

What If I Use Too Much Bleach?

If you use too much bleach, you risk creating toxic fumes. So, it’s important to only use a small amount.


Cleaning a microwave is one of those tedious tasks that we try to avoid, but after reading this blog post, you’ll want to reconsider.

The microwave is one of the dirtiest places in your kitchen and attracts bacteria like a magnet. The good news is that cleaning it is as simple as using a mix of water and bleach.

Simply mix a solution of water and bleach and pour it into your microwave. Wait a few minutes for everything to soak in and then wipe off the excess with a sponge.

Cleaning a microwave is a quick process that can be done in under 20 minutes. It will help keep your microwave clean and bacteria-free, which is important if you have kids in your home. Additionally, cleaning out your microwave will help it last longer.

If you don’t clean your microwave, it will fill up with food particles over time and be a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. Now that you know how to clean a microwave with bleach, you’ve got nothing to worry about! Cleaning the microwave is an important step in keeping your kitchen clean and bacteria-free.

So, make cleaning your microwave a regular part of your cleaning routine.