How to get lipstick out of carpet

How to get lipstick out of carpet

Lipstick is a cosmetic product made ​​from pigments, oils and waxes. It is no secret that lipstick stains are one of the most difficult to remove. Once it soaks deep into the fibers, you need to use chemical products to remove it. How to get lipstick out of carpet

This is not an easy process and might damage your carpet. Anyone who has ever applied lipstick knows how it feels to get it on a shirt, carpet or anything that isn’t your lips. It’s embarrassing to have lipstick all over your carpet.

You might think that you need to pull up the affected piece, but no! If done properly, you don’t need to do that. There’s a way to save your carpet, and it will take you no more than 5 minutes.

Why not use chemicals?

These products might damage the fibers. Soap may be used together with water, but this is also an ineffective method. The only thing that actually works is to go right after the lipstick itself and remove as much of it as possible with paper towels.

The longer the lipstick is exposed to carpet fibers, the harder it will be to remove. Take a paper towel and gently try to absorb as much of the lipstick as possible. After that, take another paper towel and pour some vinegar on it.

If you don’t have any white or apple cider vinegar in your pantry, you can use lemon juice instead. If you’re using the lemon juice method, squeeze some lemon juice out of the lemon and soak up as much of it as you can.

Don’t rub but instead use gentle patting motions to absorb the lipsticks off your carpet. After that, you need to take another paper towel soaked in plain water. Use this one to rinse your carpet until no more dye comes out onto the paper towels.

Process of removing lipstick out of carpet

You are playing with your lipstick in front of a mirror when you knock down the glass. The lipstick lands on the carpet and leaves stains. At first, you try to remove them with water, but it doesn’t work well.

Don’t worry can the following steps will solve your problem

How to get lipstick out of carpet
carpet cleaning

Method One

Identify the type of carpet you have

In terms of removing lipstick from carpet, you also have to remember that the best cleaning supplies for getting lipstick out of carpet will depend a lot on what kind of carpet you have. There are many different types of carpets used today. Each type has its own unique characteristics.

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However, if you have a little bit of knowledge about carpeting, identifying the type can be easier to do. It is possible to remove lipstick from carpet, but it takes some work and time. By identifying the type of carpet, you will be able to get the best cleaning products, efficient for your carpet.

A nylon carpet will require a different method than a wool or silk one. It is important to know the type of carpet you have before removing lipstick from carpet, this will save you time and effort. Identifying your carpet type can be done by looking at the label, but if you are unable to find one, there are other ways to determine it.

Look at what is underneath your feet in your home or work area. If you see a thick, plush pile and your feet sink in every time you walk over it, then you can safely say you have a thick nylon carpet. If the flooring has a thin layer of material over another surface such as concrete or wood, then chances are that your carpet is thin polyester or rayon. These carpets are more delicate and may require a different approach to cleaning lipstick from carpet.

Some of these types of carpets even have a plastic or polyurethane coating over the top. This makes it very difficult, if not impossible to remove lipstick from carpet.

Locate the lipstick

The lipstick stain is a common problem many women face, especially when they have a busy schedule. This problem can be solved by knowing how to remove it from the carpet. We must locate the lipstick first to obtain a better idea of ​​how best to get rid of the stains caused by it.

Apply some solvent to the spot

Once you have located the spot, apply some dry-cleaning solvent to the spot and scrub gently over the area. Afterward, use another piece of tissue to soak up any excess solvent that remains in the carpeting. Goo gone is a great cleaning agent for removing lipstick from carpet.

Goo gone will dissolve the stain and leave your carpet stain free. Many have used the detergent and the results have been pleasing. If you are careful, just use a little Goo Gone on a paper towel and rub gently. It usually takes some time for it to work so you will need patience.

Rub repeatedly

Rub the stain with a dry cleaning cloth. You’ll see the color come off onto the cloth and gradually start to disappear. If you don’t have any dry cleaning fluid on hand, Goo Gone as I promised earlier.

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You’ll start to observe the lipstick stain coming off the carpet and onto the cloth. Repeat the process until the cloth gradually begins to absorb the color.

Mix about ¼ cup of dish soap with warm water and fabric cleaner

To remove lipstick from your carpet, mix ¼ cup of dish soap with warm water and fabric cleaner. Then use a clean cloth to rub the mixture into the stain until it disappears. Note: This solution will not work on light colored carpets or fabrics.

Use warm water

The carpet stain should be moistened by blotting it with clean water. After that, it should be rubbed with liquid soap or detergent mixed with water. The carpet stain should then be blotted again to remove the cleaning agent.

If lipstick is still visible, repeat the foregoing steps using hydrogen peroxide instead of liquid soap or detergent.” Warm water removes any remaining stain better than cold water.

Method Two


If you get lipstick on your carpet, use a wet cloth to blot the stain. Rinse the area with water. To remove the stain, rub a small amount of clear dishwashing liquid into it.

You should notice some progress within a few seconds. Then blot the area with a clean white cloth or paper towel to try to absorb the remaining lipstick from the carpet fibers.

Apply Detergents

Apply hydrogen peroxide or cleaning fluid to the affected area. Blot again, then saturate the area with cold water. Blot until dry, then use a commercial color-safe bleach on the affected area.

Use a colour-safe, non-bleach detergent and blot while still wet. After blotting, add a few drops of white vinegar to the stained area and rub lightly. This will neutralize some of the base that was used in the lipstick and help lift it from the carpet.

Mix warm water

For this purpose the laundry detergent needs to be powdered. If you use liquid detergent, it may leave behind a residue that is almost similar to the one you are trying to get rid of. Sharpie permanent markers usually contain a thick oil-based pigment that can be hard to remove from carpet.

They may need to sit for a long time on the carpet before the stain lightens. Warm water will do away with the remnants.


To remove lipstick from carpeting, try a product that removes grease and oil such as spray-on oven cleaner. These chemicals will not cause stains if used in moderation on your carpet. This simple check will tell you if the brown color spray dye has penetrated below the carpet’s surface.

If you can see or feel anything on the nap of the carpet, repeat the process until you get rid of it. If the latter is true, apply a treatment solution for color-faded leather such as Leather CPR. You may also look at our other article on some of the best vacuum cleaners for carpets.

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This is one elaborate process of How to get lipstick out of carpet. if followed keenly, you will have your carpet back to normal.


How do I get lipstick stains out of the carpet?

To remove lipstick stains from carpet, mix warm water with powdered laundry detergent and make a paste. Apply this mixture to the stain on your carpet using a cloth; let it dry before wiping away any excess liquid or cleaning up whatever messes might have been made during removal of said substance in order for you not only clean but also save money by doing less scrubbing.

What removes lipstick stains?

Rubbing alcohol is a great way to get rid of lipstick stains on your clothing. If the fabric of the garment permits it, use rubbing alcohol instead so you don’t risk any damage or water penetration. Apply some clean white cloth with wetting agent and wipe at all exterior surfaces where there are potential sources for staining before moving onto other areas if needed!
Beeswax should also work well as long as you’re not wearing anything delicate because this will melt into whatever spot needs attention first but then harden again after being absorbed by its targeted area making removal easier than ever.

Can vinegar remove lipstick stains?

The best way to remove lipstick stains is by using salt and vinegar. First, mix together two parts water with one part white vinegar until you get a paste consistency that will work on any surface or type of fabric without causing damage. Then rub this onto your stain then let it sit there for 15 minutes before wiping away excess liquid from all areas affected by said staining event(s). If even these measures fail do not give up! Reapply some more where necessary after 30 minute intervals have passed – but be careful if reusing too close proximity since fresh batches may no longer absorb well enough into existing fabrics at.


Applying lipstick to the lips is one of those procedures that we all hate doing for some unknown reason. It’s also really frustrating when you end up with a stain on your clothes or anything else. There are no known ways on How to get lipstick out of carpet.

Nobody wants too often to encounter such situations. But don’t worry, what we have shared can help to remove any stains from fabric without having go through this tedious process every single time. If these steps are followed, then you can be assured that the stain will go away.