How to Hang Curtains In a Trailer: A Step-by-Step Guide.

Do you have a new trailer and need to know how to hang curtains? If so, this is the article for you. For those of you who are unfamiliar with trailers, there are two types: travel trailers and fifth-wheel trailers. Travel trailers are towed behind cars or trucks and can be easily removed. Fifth-wheel trailers are semi-permanent and attach permanently to trucks. They often include all of your living facilities, including kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, etc.

Here are some tips on how to hang curtains in your trailer according to your type!

Related Article: How to Tell If Curtains Are See Through – Helpful Tips.

Hanging curtains in a travel trailer

If you have a travel trailer, then your curtains are likely already hung. You just need to put up the rod and drape the curtains over it. That’s all there is to it!

What type of material should I use for the curtains?

It’s important to consider what type of material you want your curtains to be made out of. You need to choose between indoor-outdoor curtains, vinyl, or cotton.

Indoor-outwood curtains are great if you want your curtains to have a cleaner look and for them to be more durable. They should be made from either polyester or linen fabric. Vinyl is also a great option if you’re looking for something that is waterproof and easy to clean. Cotton is the most popular choice because they are soft and breathable.

How do I measure and cut the curtains?

First off, measure the height of your window. Once you know how tall you want the curtains to be, take that measurement and divide it by two. This will give you the width of your curtain panels.

Next, cut your fabric to that width. Make sure to leave an inch or two extra on each side to allow for hemming at the end!

Then, hang up the curtains according to either type of trailer you own. For travel trailers, simply hem both sides of the curtain panel and then set them in place on the top track above the window (if your trailer has one). For fifth-wheel trailers, you will need to make use of clips. Clips are like brackets that attach to metal bars found on either side of your window opening. You can find them in most hardware stores or online.

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After hanging up your curtains with clips, make sure they are even on both sides and then measure down from the top level about three inches below where they are clipped in place. Mark this spot with a pencil or pen so that you know where to attach them with screws later for added security!

Now it’s time for hanging! Find a small drill bit that is slightly smaller than the size of your screw head and drill holes into the marked areas where you would like screws placed. After drilling, attach screws securely into those holes until they are tight inside — this will give stability to your curtain panel!

You’re now ready for final touches! Hem all four

How do I secure the curtains by hanging them?

The first thing you want to do is measure the space where you are planning on hanging the curtains. Measure the distance from the top of the window to the ground, and take into account how high your curtain rod will hang. You’ll also need to take into account how far away from the window you want your curtains to be. Once you have this information, look at your curtain panels and decide if they are too wide for your distance. If so, you’ll need another panel that matches in width.

Hanging curtains in a fifth-wheel trailer

A fifth-wheel trailer is a semi-permanent trailer that attaches permanently to a truck. They often include all of your living facilities, including kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, etc.

1. Decide on where you want your curtains to hang.

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2. Purchase curtains and rods from a store or online.

3. Hang the rods at the desired height using screws or nails with anchors in the wall.

4. If you have not yet moved into your trailer, use painter’s tape to mark the place for where your window will be when you move in (usually about 18″ above the floor). Measure up 18″ and mark the four corners of the window opening onto the wall in pencil or painters tape; then remove it.

5. Use a level to make sure that all four corners are straight lines; then measure out from each corner an equal distance (usually 12″) perpendicular to them and mark each point with painters tape (this is where your curtain tie backs will go).

6. Unpin any hanging curtains that are currently up; then place one end of rod inside the top hole in one of the four taped corners and insert it until it clicks into place (you may need someone else’s help). Place another rod inside hole number two and push it until it clicks into place; repeat for holes 3 & 4 until all four rods are securely in place on either side of window opening with ends even with edges of window opening

What type of material should I use for the curtains?

The curtains in your trailer should be durable and easy to clean. You can use a variety of different materials for this. Cotton is a popular material because it is natural and breathable. Polyester, lace, and linen are also popular choices.

How do I measure and cut the curtains?

There are two measurements you need to know for installing curtains in your trailer: the length and the height. The height will depend on what type of curtain rod you are using, which we will get to in a second. For the length, measure from the top of the window to where you want your curtains to end. If you want your curtains to hit the ground, cut them at that length. If not, decide how long or short you want them, then add 14-18 inches for a hem (you can adjust this later if needed).

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For most installations, it is recommended that you order curtains about an inch shorter than the height of your window so they will not cover up any shelves or other items in front of it. This way, when someone walks by they will be able to see all of the goodies inside!


I don’t have a trailer, where can I find one?

You can purchase a travel trailer from places like Costco and Walmart. Fifth-wheel trailers can be purchased from truck dealerships and RV parks.

What type of curtains should I buy for my trailer?

Depending on the size of your trailer you will need to buy either ready-made curtains or custom made curtains. Ready-made curtains are often cheaper but they only come in certain sizes that may not work for your specific needs. Custom made curtains are more expensive but they are tailored to fit your specific needs and desires.


You’ve finally saved up enough to buy a travel trailer. You’ve got the perfect spot to park it, the perfect spot to entertain in it, and the perfect spot to enjoy it in your retirement. But there’s just one problem—no curtains.

You’ve got lots of questions. What type of material should I use for the curtains? How do I measure and cut the curtains? How do I secure the curtains by hanging them?

This article will help you answer all your questions, so you can hang curtains in your travel trailer in no time!

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