How to Make Curtains from a Duvet Cover.

Curtains are usually the focal point of a room. They’re what make you feel at home or take you to another world. The best part about making your own curtains is that it can be done with just a few simple household items. All you need is a duvet cover, some fabric, and sewing supplies. It doesn’t matter what kind of look or style you want for your curtains, because this DIY project can be adjusted to fit your needs. Here are some steps to help guide you along the way!

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Gather the Supplies for Your Curtains

The first step is to gather your supplies. For this project, you will need a duvet cover, some fabric of your choice, sewing materials, and a sewing machine. You can either buy or use fabrics from around the house for the curtain panels. Another option is to buy curtains as drapes and modify those.

Sew a Hem

First, cut your fabric into two long strips. Fold the fabric in half and then measure the length of the window you want to cover (if you’re not sure how much fabric to cut for the width, divide the height by 2). Then, pin the ends of one strip together. Make sure that they are facing opposite directions so that when it’s folded over, there will be a right side and wrong side. Now pin down one side and sew a hem along the pinned area. Repeat with the other strip.

When you’re finished with this step, take one of your strips and fold it over so that both right sides are touching each other and pin them together on both sides. Next, sew around all four edges of your curtain panel using a 1/4 inch seam allowance so that it will be nice and sturdy. The last thing you need to do is hem your bottom edge as well as turn under the top edge by 1/2 inch and sew it down. To finish off your new curtains, hang them up on rings or hooks!

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Sew a Corner

1) Measure and mark the duvet cover to your desired length.

2) Sew a corner, leaving about 3 inches open.

3) Pin the fabric on the inside of the duvet cover and sew it up to make a pocket.

4) Put your rod through the open end of the pocket and sew up the other side.

5) Sew or iron down any unfinished edges around the opening of the pocket.

Sew the Fabric to the Duvet Cover

The duvet cover will be the straight edge of your curtains. Open up the duvet cover and lay it out flat, with the opening facing you.

Measure from one corner to the other, then add 2 inches on each side. Cut a strip of fabric this size and sew it onto the duvet cover, starting at one end and sewing all the way down to the other end. This will be the top layer of your curtain, so make sure you do a nice job!

Take another piece of fabric that is a thinner material than your duvet cover and cut an inch off both sides. Sew this second piece of fabric onto your original duvet cover, but leave about 6 inches between them so they can flutter in the breeze when you open up your window.

Measure out 1 inch from where you sewed on your second layer of fabric and fold over so it meets with the other side, forming a small hem. Sew this hem down to create your next layer of curtains. Now you’ll have three layers-the original duvet cover, then two pieces of fabric stitched together with fluttering edges!

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Measure and Cut the Fabric to Fit

If you want to change the length of your curtains, you’ll need to measure out how long you want the fabric to be and cut it accordingly. Measure from where the duvet cover will stop on one side to where it will stop on the other. You can use a ruler or a measuring tape for accuracy. If you want a wider curtain, make your fabric wider as well! For example, if you want your curtains to be two feet wide, take two feet of fabric and sew it together, making sure that both pieces are facing in the same direction. The easiest way is if they’re sewn horizontally with one on top of another.

Sew Side Panels to Hold in Curtain Rod

The first step to making curtains is sewing side panels to hold in your curtain rod. First, pin one end of your fabric together and sew it across the end, leaving an opening for turning right-side out. Turn the inside out and hand stitch it closed. Next, take one panel and lay it on top of the other panel with right sides together. Pin either side or all four sides together, then stitch down one side. Leave the other two sides open for turning this panel into a tube. Repeat this process for all four panels until you have four long tubes.

Hang Your Curtains!

Even after you’ve finished your curtains, they will need to be hung up. This can be done by using a rod or a tension rod. You can also use a ceiling hook if the room you’re hanging your curtains in has an existing one. If there is not an existing hook for you to use, make sure to install one first before hanging up your curtains. Hanging your curtains can be done within minutes!

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Finishing touches and hanging the curtains

Now that the curtains have been made, you’ll need to add a few finishing touches to really make them your own. You can personalize curtains with different types of trims, like lace or ruffles around the bottom. Add another fabric to the top and bottom of the curtain panels for a more tailored look. Or you can add an additional border along the top and bottom edges of the panels. The last step is to hang your curtains! Hang each panel individually and then place them together on either side of your window.


What’s the best material to use?

The best fabric for this project is something that is thick, durable, and doesn’t fray easily. But it also has to be lightweight so it can hang properly. Cotton, polyester, or silk all work well for this project.

Do I need any sewing skills?

This project isn’t difficult to do. You just need the basics like knowing how to sew straight seams and hemming edges. It might take some time to get used to if you haven’t done it before, but it shouldn’t be too hard!

Can I make curtains out of anything?

As long as you have the right measurements for your window, you can make curtains out of anything you want! You could even use old T-shirts if you wanted an eclectic look in your bedroom.


Congratulations! You have just created your new curtains!

Now that you know what you’re doing, it’s time to get creative. Try adding some of your favorite fabrics or even using a duvet cover you already have for a new look.

You can also add a liner so the inside of your curtains are just as beautiful as the outside. With so many possibilities, the only limit is your imagination!

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