How to Restore Faded Curtains: The Complete Guide.

How to Restore Faded Curtains

Curtains are one of the easiest ways to spruce up a room and get it looking like new. You can get creative with colors, patterns and textures. But sometimes, you might find that your curtains have lost some of their color and sheen hence you may need to learn how to restore faded curtains.

This is most likely due to years of exposure to sunlight and dust. Luckily, there’s an easy and affordable way to restore your curtains back to their original glory: dry cleaning or washing them with vinegar.

In this article, we’ll cover how to restore your curtains in three easy steps that will have them looking like new in no time.

Related Article: How to Cover Curtains with Fabric: 5 Simple Steps.

Introduction to dry cleaning

Dry cleaning is the process of removing dirt and stains without water. Dry cleaning can be done on curtains to remove ground-in dirt, dust, smoke particles and other contaminates that may have accumulated; all without causing damage to the fabric. Cleaning your curtains with dry cleaning will help restore their sheen and color.

Introduction to washing with vinegar

Washing your curtains with vinegar will remove the dirt, odors, and stains that have accumulated in the fabric. You can also use this technique for upholstery or other textiles in your home. Vinegar is a natural cleaner that is nontoxic, but effective.

Step 1: Prepare

The three-step process

Whether you choose to wash them in the washing machine or dry clean them, there are three easy steps that will ensure your curtains get a fresh and new look.

Step 1: Check out your curtains for stains and spills. Make sure to remove any stains and spills with a cloth dipped in mild detergent. Wash the curtains in either the washing machine or by hand.

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Step 2: Hang up the curtains and let them air dry outside if possible. This will help to bring back some of their color and sheen. Or, you can hang them inside using clothespins or clips to make sure they don’t touch each other while drying.

Step 3: Enjoy your newly restored curtains! Hang them back up where they were originally intended to be hung. And enjoy!

Cleaning your curtains

Start by hanging your curtains up, either outside or in your laundry room. You can usually wash your curtains in a washing machine with water and detergent, but some people choose to dry clean them. Keep in mind that the more you wash your curtains, the faster they’ll start to fade again. If you can’t do either of these methods, use vinegar instead!

To wash your curtains, fill up the tub with warm water and about one cup of detergent. Put your curtains into the tub and let them soak for about ten minutes. Next, put the curtains into the washing machine on cold water with no soap for an additional rinse cycle.

You can also use vinegar instead of soap if you want to avoid using chemicals on your fabric. Let them air dry afterwards and they’ll be as good as new.

Drying your curtains

First, you’ll need to wash your curtains in the washing machine with a gentle detergent and then hang them up to dry. The first step is to wash the curtains in your washing machine with a gentle detergent. Make sure that you use cold water and don’t overload it.

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After they are washed, take care not to wring or twist them too hard or they will lose their shape. Hang them up on a clothesline or on hangers indoors. You can also use a tumble dryer set at low temperature if you have access to one.

This will make sure that the fabric is thoroughly dried and avoid any shrinkage. After they are done drying, take care not to wring or twist them too hard or they will lose their shape. Finally, iron them using a cool iron setting with steam turned off.

Iron the seams of each curtain separately before moving on to the next one, removing any creases as you go along.

How to wash your curtains with detergent and water

Cleaning your curtains with detergent and water is the easiest way to get them looking like new again. Here’s what you need:

-Detergent (Liquid, Powder or Gel)


-Washing Machine

-Clothes Hanger


1. Fill your tub with warm water and add a few drops of detergent.

2. Put your curtains in the tub and wash them with a gentle scrubbing motion, one section at a time.

3. Let the curtains air dry or hang them on a clothes hanger and put them in the dryer until they’re completely dry. If your curtains are too long to fit in the tub easily, you can cut off any excess fabric from the top of the curtain to make it easier to put in the washer without getting wet. But be careful not to cut off more than an inch from each side since this might alter the shape of your curtains!

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How to deep clean your curtains

The first step to restoring your curtains is deep cleaning them. You can use a mild detergent or vinegar to wash the curtains. It’s important to wash them in cold water so the color doesn’t bleed. After you have washed them, rinse well and hang outside to dry.


What are the benefits of dry cleaning your curtains?

Dry cleaning is one of the easiest ways to restore your curtains. It removes dirt, dust and grime that builds up over time. It also helps remove stains like coffee or wine that end up on your curtains.

How often should you dry clean your curtains?

If you have light colored curtains, you should dry clean them every six months. For dark colored curtains, you can wait for a year.

What if I don’t want to dry clean my curtains?

You can wash them in cold water with vinegar once a month to bring back their color and sheen. The best part about this method is that it’s reusable! All you need is some vinegar, which you can get at any grocery store.


There you have it: a complete guide for restoring your faded curtains. There are many options for cleaning your curtains, and each option presents pros and cons. Now that you know the basics, you can make an informed decision about which option is best for you.

Hopefully these tips will help you keep your curtains looking fresh and new for years to come!