How to Stop Chairs Sinking into Gravel: The Ultimate Guide

How to Stop Chairs Sinking into Gravel: The Ultimate Guide

As the ground around your chair starts to weaken, you begin to lose your footing. You can’t enjoy your time outside anymore because of that sinking feeling.

Gravel is everywhere and it won’t go away on its own. The good news is that our experts have come up with a solution for this problem. How to Stop Chairs Sinking into Gravel: The Ultimate Guide is here.

We’ll take you through the process in four easy steps, including where to buy products, how much they cost, what to do when it’s not working, and how often you should apply them.

What causes sinking chairs?

The ground around your chair is made up of loose soil or gravel.

Over time, the dirt below the surface starts to break down and the gravel sits at the top. The gravel is what causes your chairs to sink in.

How to stop chairs from sinking in gravel

If you’re like us, your chair is one of the most used pieces of furniture in your home. From reading a book to eating dinner out on the patio, chairs are everywhere and we use them all the time.

But there’s a problem: if you’ve ever sat in a chair and sunk into the ground around it while trying to enjoy yourself outside, we know how frustrating this can be.

We’ve created an ultimate guide to help you find the best solution to stop chairs from sinking in gravel.

We’ll take you through the process in four easy steps, including where to buy products, how much they cost, what to do when it’s not working, and how often you should apply them.

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Products to use

Below, we have a list of products that our experts recommend.

*Drain-Rock: This is a simple and affordable solution. It’s made from recycled materials and is guaranteed to work for up to ten years.

*Wheel Chairs: This is an easy way to stop chairs from sinking into the ground as they are already built with wheels.

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If you’re not able to buy a new one, you can always buy wheels separately and attach them yourself.

*Sawdust: This is a natural remedy that our experts recommend using if you don’t want to use chemicals or other products on your lawn or garden.

All you need is a sawdust mixture and a watering can. The sawdust will act like spackle for cracks in the ground, stopping chairs from sinking in gravel like magic!

Finding the Right Solution

The first thing you’ll need to do is figure out what type of ground you have around your chair. Some people have a mixture of rocks and dirt, while others only have gravel.

It’s important to know this beforehand because it will determine how often you need to apply the solution as well as which products are best for your specific situation.

If you have a mixture of dirt and rocks, it’s recommended that you use a weed suppressant. This will help keep the weeds from growing in the ground, which can cause more problems later on down the road.

These can be purchased at hardware stores or big box retailers, but they may be cheaper if you purchase them online.

Make sure to follow all instructions on how much product to use and where to spray it so that you don’t over-apply it and cause more problems.

If your problem is just with gravel, then there are special products that are specifically designed for this type of ground that will work wonders for your chairs.

Try using an adhesive like “Anchor” or “Weed ‘N Feed.” These products are made specifically for gravel and should work well on most surfaces. Follow all instructions before applying these products too.

How to Stop Chairs Sinking into Gravel: The Ultimate Guide

Applying the Solution Correctly

It is important that you read the instructions carefully and follow the steps correctly. Failure to do so may result in a less than desirable outcome.

When applying an anti-sinking solution, it’s important to mix the product according to the instructions and then pour it into a bucket or container.

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The container should be large enough to allow you to work with the solution without spilling over the sides. You’ll want to use a shovel or trowel to lightly spread or scoop out the mixture onto your gravel area.

Be sure not to apply too much at once as this can cause problems such as overflow and ineffective coverage.

The next step is all about working quickly before your solution dries.

You want to spread or spoon out your mixture over an even surface and then use a rake or broom handle to press it down into the gravel, making sure that there are no dry spots left behind.

If there are any spots that dry before you’re able to cover them, simply sprinkle those areas with some more of your mixture until they are completely covered again.

Repeat these steps every few months for best results.

Cleaning up and removing remaining gravel

How to Stop Chairs Sinking into Gravel: The Ultimate Guide

After the gravel has been removed, some of the dirt may still be on your chair. Use a garden hose or brush to clean off any remaining dirt.

You can also use some elbow grease and some soapy water to remove any stubborn dirt. Make sure not to get too close to the metal parts of your chairs with either method, as this might damage them.

Finally, use a pressure washer on the chair legs if they are still visibly dirty. This will remove all traces of dirt that might have stuck itself to the metal fittings on the chairs legs while you were cleaning up.

If you are unable to find a pressure washer, follow these steps: Fill up a bucket with hot water and soap (for example dish detergent), or use laundry detergent if you do not have dish detergent.

Fill up another bucket with plain water for rinsing off the soap/laundry detergent mixture when it is used up.

Take each leg in turn and scrub it thoroughly with the hot soapy mixture, then rinse it off with plain water until all of the suds are gone from that leg’s surface.

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Repeat this process until all four legs have been cleaned, then air dry each leg before putting them back outside again.

Final thoughts

If you want to stop chairs sinking in gravel, follow our guide! You can’t go wrong with the four steps outlined here. They’re designed to help you find the best solution for your needs.

The first step is finding where to buy products. Products come in all shapes and sizes. There are many different types of products that can work for you, including rubber mats, anti-sinking chemicals, plastic chair mats, and more.

Next, you have to identify what type of product will work best for your needs based on cost, convenience, and safety. You should also consider how often you need to apply each product as well as how much it costs.

Lastly, review the safety warnings so that you know what precautions to take before applying any product near your chairs or outdoors.

If there are any risks associated with the product that might affect you or your loved ones, be sure to read them carefully.


What is the best product to use?

We recommend using a rubberized gravel stabilizer. It’s easy to apply and is guaranteed not to wash away or crack.

How much does it cost?

The cost will depend on the size of your chair. If your chair is small, it’ll be around $5-10 for a one-time application. If your chair is large, the price could run you up to $25-30 for a one-time application.


The sinking chair phenomenon is a common one, but it doesn’t have to be a problem.

If you’re encountering sinking chairs for the first time, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve taken care of everything.

It can be easy to slip up in the moment, but with these tips you can stop your chairs from sinking.