How To Stretch Net Curtains: The Ultimate Guide.

Net curtains provide a beautiful way to add privacy and style to your windows. They have been popular since the Victorian era, when they were used for keeping out insects and other things from entering the house. However, over time, people have found it difficult to take care of their net curtains and found the need to learn How To Stretch Net Curtains.

This is because net curtains need to be stretched regularly; otherwise they become sagging and heavy. The good news is that stretching net curtains is easy! All you need is a few minutes and these simple instructions.

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How to stretch net curtains

Step 1: Wash the net curtains

The first step is to wash your net curtains. You can use a mild detergent or soap and water, but be sure to rinse them out thoroughly. Step 2: Measure the width of your window

Next, measure the width of your window. A good way to do this is using a measuring tape, but you could also use a piece of string or ribbon if you don’t have access to one. Step 3: Hang curtain on door frame

To get started with the stretching process, hang the curtain on two separate door frames in order to stretch it. Step 4: Remove tension by rotating net curtain

Now that it’s hanging in place, remove some of the tension by rotating the curtain in circles until it has stretched out evenly. Step 5: Re-hang in desired location

Re-hang the net curtains where you want them after they are stretched out.

What you need

-A screwdriver


-Net curtain


Before you start to stretch your net curtains, make sure that:

– You have a small ironing board and a clothespin (or any other kind of device which you can use to hold the fabric).

– The window is closed and the curtains are free from dust.

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– You have enough time to do it.

Establishing the right tension

It is important to establish the right tension on your net curtains. You want to be able to see through them, but not too much that it compromises privacy. Once you’ve established the right tension, you’ll need to make sure it stays in place by tucking any excess fabric behind the curtain rod. If you don’t tuck all of the excess fabric behind the curtain rod, it can cause problems like sagging or even ripping.

Lengthening and shortening your nets

In order to stretch your net curtains, follow these simple steps:

-Take the rod out of the brackets and place the top edge of the net at a comfortable height for you. The bottom edge should be just above the bottom of the window frame.

-Pull one side towards you and take a small piece of string or thread and tie it tightly around both strings. Do this on both sides so that there is a small knot in each side.

-Make a small loop in a third piece of string and, tying it to each knot, pull it tight until you have two loops in opposite directions from each other.

-Lengthen or shorten your nets by pulling on one end to tighten it while still keeping the other end pulled taught.

Lengthening your nets

To lengthen the net curtains, you need to use a rod or pole long enough to hang it at the height you want. To find the length of the rod, measure between the ceiling and where you want your net curtain to hang. For example, if you want your net curtain to hang two feet from the floor, you need a rod that is four feet long.

If you already have a pole in place, then it should be easy for you to figure out what length of pole is needed. If not, then use this simple formula: (desired height – desired distance from window) x 2 = length of pole needed. For example, if you want your net curtains to hang three feet from the floor and are using a four foot tapestry rod, then 3×2=6; 6+4=10; 10-4=6.

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Once you know how long your rod needs to be, make sure it can hold your weight without breaking by hanging it on its own first. If not, then adjust accordingly by adding more support under your rod or getting a stronger one that can hold more weight. Now attach one end of the rod to one side of the window frame and secure it tightly with screws or brackets so that it doesn’t wiggle back and forth when pulled on later. Repeat for other side of window frame so there is no chance of sagging net curtains when pulled taut across frame after stretching.. Now pull on both ends simultaneously until all

Shortening your nets

If you want to shorten your net curtains, it’s as easy as cutting the curtain and re-hemming the edges. This way, the excess fabric will be sewn back into the curtain.

The first step is to measure how much excess material you would like to remove from your nets. The excess should be measured from one edge of the net and cut straight across until it reaches the other side. Now, you can take your scissors and start cutting through the fabric. It’s important that you leave a seam allowance of around 3 cm at both ends of your cutout area. You can then fold these seams inwards and sew them up using a sewing machine. Finally, use a needle and thread to hem up any loose threads on either side of your newly-cut out section.

Tips for stretching net curtains

* Put on your rubber gloves and your protective goggles.

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* Fill a bucket with warm water and add a few drops of fabric softener.

* Dip the net in the bucket and squeeze it out carefully, making sure to remove any excess water.

* Hang up the net curtain on a washing line or thread it through a rod in the window frame.

* Stretch the net curtain by pulling on either side of it, making sure there are no lumps or creases in between the curtains.


What is the best way to fix sagging net curtains?

The very best way to fix sagging net curtains is to stretch them. You can do this by looping them over a clothesline or curtain rod and then pulling the curtains in opposite directions until they are tight. This should be done regularly, as stretching the curtains will allow them to last much longer than if they weren’t regularly stretched.

Is it better to use a clothesline or curtain rod when stretching net curtains?

It really depends on your preferences, but most people find that a clothesline is more convenient for this process.

How often should I stretch my net curtains?

Net curtains need to be stretched regularly so that they don’t sag and become heavy. They should also be washed regularly as well. To help you decide how often you need to stretch your net curtains, have a look at how often you wash them and then stretch them accordingly. For example, if you wash your nets once a month, then try stretching them once a month as well.


Net curtains are a beautiful and cost-effective way to cover your windows. Once you have your net curtains, you’ll want to learn how to properly stretch them.

The right tension will help your curtains hang beautifully and give you the desired effect. And don’t forget to take the length of your window into account when you’re choosing your net curtains length.