How Wide is a Microwave Drawer: The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right One

How Wide is a Microwave Drawer: The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right One

A microwave drawer is a kitchen appliance that combines cooking and storage. It’s an innovative way to maximize the space in your kitchen without sacrificing countertop surface area.

But they’re also notoriously expensive, so it’s important to find one that suits your needs. Here are some things to consider when shopping for a microwave drawer.

How Wide is a Microwave Drawer: The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right One. When you’re looking at microwaves, there are a few features you’ll want to keep in mind: Dimensions, wattage, power levels and auto-cook programs.

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Things to Consider When Shopping for a Microwave Drawer

When buying a microwave drawer, there are many things to consider. You’ll want to think about the size, wattage and power levels that work for your kitchen.

You should also think about what features you want in your microwave drawer: how many shelves, if you want wire or wood shelves and if it should be black, white or stainless steel.

If you’re on a budget and looking to save money, a used microwave is another option that can still provide all the features you need. Before making your final purchase, make sure the size matches your kitchen needs and the color won’t clash with your décor.

You’ll also want to consider where you plan on storing the microwave drawer when it’s not in use; it could take up quite a bit of valuable space depending on where you live.

Finally, don’t forget to shop around! There are many different brands that offer similar microwaves at different price points so make sure to do your research before making a final decision.

What Size Do I Need?

How Wide is a Microwave Drawer: The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right One

Microwave drawers are available in a variety of sizes, so you’ll want to figure out what size is best for your kitchen. If you’re short on kitchen space, or just want a smaller microwave, there’s an option for you.

But if you have plenty of room and want the option to cook larger dishes, then consider a microwave drawer that’s at least 22 inches wide.

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How Much Power Do I Need?

Microwaves are measured by power in watts. The higher the wattage, the faster your food will cook and the more power it will have. If you’re an avid chef, you’ll need a high-watt microwave so you can prepare meals quickly.

If you mostly use the microwave for reheating leftovers and boiling water, a lower wattage is more appropriate for your needs.

Regardless of what you plan to use your microwave for, make sure it has enough power to do what you want to do with it. Microwaves with over 1,000 watts are great for cooking and heating large dishes, while microwaves around 500 watts are great for reheating leftovers or boiling small amounts of water.

Are There Enough Shelves For Me?

A microwave drawer has a few different types of shelves. The most popular are wire, which are usually more affordable, and wood, which can be more expensive.

Microwaves with more shelves provide you with more storage space and come at the price of less power.

If you’re looking for a microwave that will let you cook larger meals while also saving counter space, choose one that has a few shelves.

Does The Color Matter?

When considering a microwave drawer, you may also want to think about the color. It’s true that microwaves come in a variety of colors.

But, when it comes down to choosing between a white and black microwave drawer, both have their pros and cons.

A black microwave drawer may have more of an expensive look, but it could get tarnished over time. White is a bright color, so if you don’t want your kitchen to be too dark, this might be the better option for you.

In addition, many people like the way that black microwaves draw attention to themselves on the kitchen countertop.

White microwaves are sometimes cheaper than their counterparts; this could be an added bonus for your budget. They’re also easier to clean because they show any smudges or fingerprints more easily than black microwaves do.

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Some people find that white microwaves are easier to use because they’re less likely to get hot inside as quickly as black microwaves do.

No matter what color you choose, make sure you take into account the size and dimensions of your space before investing.

How Wide is a Microwave Drawer: The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Right One

Is the Finish Important?

You want to keep in the finish of your microwave drawer in mind when shopping for one.

Some people might prefer a stainless steel color, while others may want a cherry or black finish. It all depends on the style and personality of your kitchen.

Is Price Important To Me?

Microwaves come in a variety of price points. But before you buy one, it’s important to decide how much money is worth investing in your new appliance.

Do you want to invest a little more upfront, knowing that the quality will be better? Or do you want to save a bit on the initial purchase but have to replace it in a few years?

Auto-cook programs

Microwaves have a variety of auto-cook programs to choose from. They are designed for different types of food and cooking preferences.

Some microwaves have a more limited number of auto-cook programs, while others offer more than 10.

Microwave models usually list the types of food that each program is best for, such as frozen pizza, homemade popcorn, pasta or boiled eggs. The most common dishes are also programmed automatically.

Cooking for one? Don’t worry! There are microwaves with only one auto-cook program just for single people

. If you’re looking to save time in the kitchen then look into microwave drawers with preset cooking times. Some microwaves even have preset the cook times based on the type of food you’re cooking!


How much power do I need?

Microwaves come in a variety of wattages, ranging from 600 watts up to 1,200 watts. Generally speaking, higher wattage microwaves cook food faster and have more power levels than lower wattage models. If you’re going to be cooking large items or more complex dishes, it’s best to choose a higher wattage model with a minimum of 10 power levels. For simpler tasks like reheating food, most people prefer lower wattage microwaves because they cook slower but still get the job done just as well.

Are there enough shelves?

Make sure any microwave drawer you buy has enough shelves to fit all of your cooking equipment! Some microwaves offer as many as six or seven shelves while others only offer four or five. Remember that some models are modular and offer shelving units that can link together for flexible storage options.


Now that you know how to find the right size, power and color there’s just one thing left to worry about—the price.

Deciding on a budget is often the most difficult part of the buying process, but luckily there are plenty of microwaves available.

Whether you’re looking for a basic model or a high-end oven with all the bells and whistles, there’s sure to be a microwave that meets your needs.

A microwave drawer is a great choice for any kitchen, but it’s important to know what options are available so you can make the best decision for your needs.

You might not know it yet, but you’ve just found the ultimate guide to microwaves for your kitchen—and anything else that comes up about microwaves in the future.