Which is the Smallest Microwave: 5 Models for Your Home

Which is the Smallest Microwave: 5 Models for Your Home

Nowadays, microwaves are one of the most common kitchen appliances. From cooking eggs to defrosting food, they’re a must-have gadget.

However, there are many different models and brands on the market, which makes it hard to choose the right one. So Which is the Smallest Microwave: 5 Models for Your Home.

Whether you need a compact microwave for your studio apartment or a large microwave for your family of four, these options will fit any size kitchen. Read on for more information.

Related Article: Do Microwaves Put Radiation in Food? What The Research Says.

What is the best size microwave for your home?

Microwaves are a kitchen staple, and there are many different sizes to choose from. If you’re not sure what size of microwave is best for your home, check out the list below.

* Compact: These microwaves are great for small spaces or college dorms. They’re smaller than other microwaves, so they don’t take up too much space in a kitchen or on a countertop.

They might be cheaper than larger microwaves, but they typically cook food slower.

* Mid-sized: This option is perfect if you have limited counter space in your kitchen or live with roommates who want their own appliances.

It can fit on most countertops and will cook food faster than compact microwaves.

* Large: These microwaves are ideal for families with children who need extra storage space for snacks and leftovers.

They also take up less countertop space because they usually have a built-in shelving system inside the appliance that can be used to store dishes and other kitchen items while not in use.

* Extra large: This is the best choice if you have a large family with teenagers who eat meals that require longer cooking times, like whole chickens or frozen pizzas.

They come with many cooking modes like convection bake that let you use this appliance as an oven as well as a microwave.

The smallest microwave

The Panasonic NN-SD849S is the smallest microwave on our list. It has a 9.8-inch capacity, which makes it perfect for small spaces that don’t have too much room for appliances.

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If you live in a studio apartment, then this model will be perfect for you! It won’t take up too much space and still does the job.

For example, it can cook a plate of food in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, which is less time than most microwaves need to cook an entire meal.

This model is also great for dorm rooms and studios because of its size. To put it into perspective, you can fit six bowls or plates inside the microwave at once!

If you only have one or two people living in your home and don’t need something large, then this microwave might be best for you.

Which is the Smallest Microwave: 5 Models for Your Home

ZappBrannen Microwave

ZappBrannen is a microwave that’s perfect for those who don’t want to compromise on power or size.

It offers the largest interior of any microwave in the list, meaning you can fit more food while saving time with its six-stage cooking system.

And it has 25 percent more power than other microwaves on the market, so it cooks food up to 30% faster.

The ZappBrannen Microwave is also one of the most stylish microwaves out there, with sleek design and stainless steel accents that will look great in any kitchen.

Panasonic NN-SN943S Countertop Microwave

The Panasonic NN-SN943S Countertop Microwave is a great option for anyone who doesn’t have much room in their kitchen.

It measures 17.72x14x14 inches and weighs around 10 pounds, so it won’t take up much space on your countertop.

But don’t let its size fool you — this microwave has plenty of room inside to cook a variety of foods.

It has a 20-inch turntable that can hold 16 cooking items, and a 1,000-watt cooking power with 10 different power levels.

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This microwave is perfect for both singles and families alike and can cook food quickly and efficiently.

Sharp R-930W Under Cabinet Microwave

Which is the Smallest Microwave: 5 Models for Your Home

This microwave is ideal for small spaces. It can fit in any tight kitchen and doesn’t take up much counter space.

It’s also a good choice if you don’t have an oven, as this microwave has a convection mode that allows you to cook different dishes at the same time.

The Sharp R-930W Under Cabinet Microwave can be installed under your cabinets, making it more discreet and hidden from sight, but still accessible whenever you need it.

Oster Large Capacity Countertop Microwave

This large capacity countertop microwave is perfect for larger households. It has the capacity to cook an entire frozen pizza, which will take up to five minutes.

Additionally, it features a built-in turntable, two convection cooking modes, and a child safety lock.

This model is large enough for families of four, but not so big that it takes up too much space on your countertop.

It also has powerful convection cooking that allows you to brown and crisp food without having to use the oven or stovetop. This microwave does not have a defrost setting, but most microwaves don’t have this feature.

However, it does have a two minute timer with an automatic shut-off which is helpful if you forget about your food while you’re distracted.

B&D DWM120 Compact Microwave

The B&D DWM120 is a compact microwave that will work well in small spaces, like an apartment. It has a capacity of 0.8 cubic feet and has a variety of different power levels, ranging from 100 watts to 900 watts.

Additionally, it has a sensor that automatically adjusts the power based on the type and quantity of food being cooked.

For example, if you’re cooking a frozen entree or boiling water, you would use the low setting and if you were cooking eggs or melting butter, you would use the high setting.

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This is especially helpful for people who don’t know how to cook food in general because it automatically adjusts to your needs.

The B&D DWM120 also comes with plenty of safety features so, even if you forget about your food (let’s be real—we’ve all done this at least once), it won’t overcook and could potentially cause damage to your microwave.


What is the best microwave?

The answer to this question depends on your specific needs. Some microwaves are more expensive than others, so you need to take that into account when deciding which one is the best for you. If you have a large family and need a larger microwave, it will be more expensive than a small microwave. You also have to think about the time it takes for the microwave to cook food. If you’re in a rush and don’t have time for long microwaving cycles, you may want to look at microwaves with quick cooking cycles. If you spend most of your day at home, then the size and price of the microwave doesn’t matter as much because there will be plenty of time to use it.

What does wattage mean?

The wattage on a microwave oven measures how powerful it is. The higher the wattage, the faster it will cook your food. However, high wattage also means higher energy consumption and can lead to an increased electric bill. When choosing your new appliance, make sure that you consider these factors as well before making your final decision!


Microwaves are popular kitchen appliances, but the size of your space may not be large enough for a standard-sized model.

Thankfully, there are a number of options for microwaves of all shapes and sizes, so you should be able to find the perfect one for your home.

We hope this article has helped you narrow down your search for the best-sized microwave.