How to Get Rid of Ants in Water Dispenser

Image source: Wikihow

Ants in water dispensers are a common problem that can be easily fixed. These tiny creatures can not only leave you with an unpleasant taste, but they also pose a health risk. Hence you may wonder, how to get rid of ants in water dispenser.

You see, ants will eat anything. And so any food or sweet liquid left in the water dispenser is fair game for them. It’s important to take care of this problem as soon as it starts, That said, if you’re thinking about what your next steps should be, then we’ve got you covered.

We’ve put together some strategies on how to get rid of ants in water dispenser and keep them away forever. You may opt to place some camphor near the dispenser as well as all around the refrigerator, and once they smell it, they keep off.

Why is the Ants in my Water Dispenser a Problem?

Ants in your water dispenser can be a problem for many reasons. For example, they will leave an unpleasant taste in the water. If you’re making tea or coffee and then you add ants to the mix, it can take away from the flavor significantly.

But that’s not all. Ants also pose a health risk. They will eat anything; so any food or sweet liquid left in the water dispenser is fair game for them. That said, ants are known to carry over 60 different diseases on their body – and they have the ability to transmit those diseases through contact with food or drinks.

You may not always see these tiny creatures running around your kitchen, but they’ll leave their icky trail behind on countertops and dishes making them hard to miss!

Ants are natural enemies of other insects. They attack and devour other insects to protect their colony and keep the ant population healthy. Ants also help humans by preying on pest species that destroy crops, gardens, and properties.

However, these same characteristics make them your enemy when you have an indoor water dispenser in your home or office. You will not see them until it is too late because they are small, but once you notice their presence, you’ll understand why most people hate them.

Ants love water dispensers because they are moist environments with a ready supply of sugar-rich food sources – typically the natural sugars found in fruit juice and other drink mixes that you place in the water dispenser. Here is how you can get rid of ants in your water dispenser:

Drowning Method

One way you can get rid of ants in your water dispenser is to drown them. The best way to do this is to buy a bottle of dish soap, place the nozzle in the opening of the water dispenser and pour the entire bottle of dish soap inside.

The ants will crawl up and down the soapy water, but because they cannot escape, they will die. Want to get out an entire colony? You can also try using borax or sugar as bait.

Boric Acid/ Sugar Mix

First, find a container with a lid and fill it about 1/3 full with sugar. Fill the rest of the container with boric acid powder. Mix them together until they are fully combined. Sprinkle this mixture on your counter or floor to create a line of the substance.

Ants will follow this trail to the sweet sugar and then walk back out again when they get sick from the boric acid – which is poisonous to them. This technique is useful in wiping out an entire colony of ants in your water dispenser because it will kill all ants that cross over it, not just those that eat too much of the bait.

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This concoction does not hurt humans, but it does make for a sticky mess if you’re not careful where you sprinkle it.

Ant-Recognizing Paint and Coating

To get rid of ants in your water dispenser, you will need to keep them out with a new kind of paint that they cannot recognize. This new paint is made from chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) which ants cannot smell. It also has an acrylic-based top coat which dries to form a continuous film that blocks the ants’ ability to sense moisture.

Once you seal your water dispenser with this new paint, the ants will be unable to enter. You can buy this paint at most hardware stores and online retailers specializing in home maintenance products for around $38 per gallon.

If you do not want to go through the trouble of painting, you can easily buy disposable paper covers for your water dispenser for about $25-$35 each.

Baking Soda Foam

Mix one cup of baking soda and three cups of hot water. Pour the mixture into the water dispenser. The foaming reaction will force the ants out through the dispenser vent within minutes.

Toxic Poison and Spray

If you know that there is an ant infestation in your water dispenser, you should use a toxic poison and spray. If you have a large infestation, then purchase the insecticide according to the instructions on the label.

However, be careful when spraying it around your home or office because it can be poisonous and harmful for children, pets, and other animals. Spray the insecticide around the inside of your water dispenser once every few weeks. You can also use bait traps to catch the insects.

For example, put some honey on a cotton ball or small piece of bread and place it inside where you found them.

Install an ant-repelling bait trap.

Ants typically enter the water dispenser through cracks in the floor or wall where they are able to crawl. They can also enter the water dispenser through cracks and holes in pipes, so make sure you seal off all openings if you see ants.

You can do this by using steel wool, cement, or silicone caulk. If you want to know how to get rid of ants in your water dispenser and need an ant-repelling bait trap, use a product that is formulated with boric acid as bait.

Boric acid has been effectively used for decades as an insecticide for ants because it is something they cannot resist. Ants have a strong sense of smell and are attracted to any sugar-based food sources, so some products will have sweet syrups sprayed on the bait.

Once they go into the trap, they cannot find their way out because of the sticky texture on top of them. When ants walk across this surface, it adheres to their body and traps them inside until it eventually kills them.

These traps are effective at getting rid of most ant species that infest indoor areas because they target both worker ants (those who look for food) and soldier ants (those who defend colonies).

Using dry and wet vacuum to get rid of the ants

The first thing you will need in order to get rid of the ants is a vacuum cleaner. You will want to use a dry or wet vacuum cleaner to make sure that the ants are gone. You should also empty the water dispenser completely and clean it with soap and water.

Then, pour vinegar into the dishwasher to kill any remaining ant eggs or larvae. Next, make sure there is no more food for them by getting rid of any leftover food in your house or office. Finally, add fresh lemon juice to the water dispenser to discourage future ant invasions.

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Clean and dry the dispenser

The first thing you should do is clean and dry the dispenser. Ants are attracted to water sources because they need a moist environment and they love sweet, sugary substances. You can get rid of ants in your water dispenser by wiping down the inside with a cloth or paper towel and then drying it off.

You should also be sure to wipe out the reusable filter on the inside of the dispenser as this may be collecting moisture.

Check your water dispenser for a leak

Ants are attracted to water, even a leaky water dispenser. If you have a leak, you need to fix it as soon as possible because ants will infest your water supply eventually without fail. You can get rid of ants easily by simply turning off the flow of water and repairing any leaks that you might find.

Shake up some cinnamon and sugar to get rid of ants

Ants don’t like cinnamon or sugar. So, if you mix some cinnamon and sugar together and place the mixture in your water dispenser, it may discourage ants from coming to drink from the water.

Get rid of the food source that’s attracting the ants

If you want to get rid of ants in your water dispenser, the first step is to remove the food source that’s attracting the ants. Remove any liquids or drinks from the dispenser and clean it thoroughly with soap and water. If you have a fruit-flavored drink mix, replace it with something that does not smell as sweet.

Clean the dispenser

The first step in getting rid of ants in water dispensers is to clean the dispenser. This will eliminate any residual food that they might be feeding on as a result of your problem. Be sure to use soap and water, vinegar, or a diluted bleach solution to get it perfectly clean.

This is a fundamental step to take because if you don’t clean the dispenser, then the next time you use it, they’ll just come back.

Related article: How to Get Rid of Plastic Taste in Water Dispenser: The Ultimate Guide.

Get Rid of Food Sources

Eliminating the food sources around your water dispenser is crucial. If you see ants in the area, then they most likely are coming to drink from it because you’ve left a sweet liquid or food source in the dispenser. To eliminate this, be sure to clean out the water dispensers regularly and do not leave any open containers of food or sugary liquids anywhere near it.

Clean Your Hands

First things first, make sure to clean your hands. You might not think that this is necessary but it’s a good idea to put gloves on when you clean the dispenser. If you don’t, then you risk transferring the ants from the dispenser to other surfaces.

Next, pour dishwashing liquid into a bowl and fill with warm water. Put on gloves and dip your hands in the solution for about two minutes. Then remove your gloves and wipe down all surfaces of the water dispenser with a wet cloth.

Next, take out any containers or items left inside the water dispenser. Clean these thoroughly as well as scrubbing around where they were sitting. Repeat this process until everything is squeaky clean! Once you’ve finished cleaning all surfaces, dry them off with a towel before putting anything back in there!

Afterwards, keep an eye on things for a few days and if there are still ants appearing in the water dispenser then you need to get some new bait traps!

How to Get Rid of Ants in Water Dispenser

Keeping Ants Away from Your Dispenser

Ants are drawn to water because they’re attracted to the sweet taste. This is why it’s important to not leave any food or drink in the dispenser for an extended period of time. Also, if you see ants in your water, then it’s best cleaned up immediately. If not, the ants will have a long time to get into the machinery and cause problems with the dispenser.

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To keep ants away from your dispenser, here are some things you can do:

– Clean and dry out the area thoroughly before filling it with water again

– Fill a small container of cooking oil on top of your water dispenser and set a cotton ball soaked in lemon juice next to it

– Apply ant spray directly to the inside and outside of hose

– Pour boiling water down the spout

Why does my water dispenser attract ants ?

One of the main reasons why your water dispenser will attract ants is because it’s moist. The constant drip of water, coupled with the dark and warm environment, makes this a perfect home for ants. The ant’s food source isn’t just limited to the liquid in your water dispenser, though.

They will eat anything, including any leftover food or candy that you might have left over on the countertop or under it.


How long does it take for a colony of ants to form in a water dispenser?

Generally, it takes about 2-4 weeks for ants to start showing up in your water dispenser. However, the time can vary depending on the type of ant and weather conditions.

Is there an easy way to get rid of ants?

Yes! You should treat your problem by using one or more of these 4 methods below.

How to get rid of ants in water dispensers?

Getting rid of ants in your water dispenser is as simple as using a few household items. They can be manually removed or killed with natural remedies. It’s important to take care of the problem as soon as it starts, but if there are already ants in the water dispenser, then try these solutions:
– Pour boiling water from a teapot into the top of the dispenser and let it sit for a few hours. The hot water will kill any remaining ants
– Mix together sugar and borax, creating a sticky mixture. Sprinkle this mixture onto an ant that has made its way into your dispenser and they will carry it back to their nest, where other ants will eat it and die
– Fill up a glass with apple cider vinegar. Place it near your sink so that any leftover food scraps can be disposed of properly before they become an attraction for ants. Ants don’t like vinegar


You’ve read this article and learned how to get rid of ants in your water dispenser. Now it’s your turn. The more you know about how to keep ants away from your dispenser, the less likely it is that you’ll have these unwanted guests. Share this article with your friends and family who may be struggling with this problem, too.

Ants in the water dispenser? No, thanks! These pests are pesky and can infest your whole house. Ants are attracted to sugary and fruity liquids as well as moist environments, so it’s no surprise that they might find their way into your water cooler.

Luckily, there is a solution for you. Without further ado, here is the ultimate guide on how to get rid of ants in water dispensers.