How to Get Rid of Plastic Taste in Water Dispenser

How to Get Rid of Plastic Taste in Water Dispenser

Have you ever had water that tastes like plastic? If so, you might be wondering why or how to fix it. Plastic taste in your tap water is a common problem and can have various causes. It can make drinking out of the tap seem unappetizing and may even cause headaches. You will definitely want to know how to get rid of plastic taste in water dispenser.

Plastic water dispensers can impart a plastic-like taste in the water. The problem is commonly found in the school, office and other shared spaces where your drinking water comes from a single source. If you have one of these water dispensers or are thinking about installing one, here’s how to get rid of that plastic taste.

The plastic flavor in drinking water is caused by a chemical called tertiary butylated hydroxytoluene (TBHT). This chemical is added to many different types of plastic containers to prevent them from becoming misshapen when stored under heat or pressure.

It’s also used as an anti-fungal agent in paper mills, which means it isn’t harmful to humans; however, it affects our taste buds when combined with chemicals like phenol, acetic acid and lactic acid.

However, there are many ways to fix the plastic taste in your water dispenser. This blog will teach you how to get rid of plastic taste in water dispenser and make your drinking experience more enjoyable.

What causes plastic taste in water?

You maybe wondering, why does my water taste like plastic? There are many reasons why the plastic taste in your water could be so pronounced. For example, the taste of plastic could be caused by a high concentration of chloramine-a chemical used in tap water to kill bacteria and prevent the spread of waterborne diseases.

Some people have complained that their tap water tastes like chlorine or sulfur, which could be because they live near a factory or plant that produces those chemicals. If you suspect this is the cause of your plastic taste, contact your local city council to ask if there are any factories or plants nearby.

Additionally, plastic taste can be caused by pipes that contain lead or copper. When these metals mix with the water in your pipes, it can produce a distinct taste.

Related article: How To Dispose of Primo Water Dispenser.

How to get rid of the plastic taste in your water dispenser?

There are many factors that can contribute to the plastic taste in your tap water. There are a few common causes, which include a buildup of bacteria, improper storage, and hard water.

Many people may not know that plastic is often used to transport water but this can lead to a buildup of bacteria which will cause the plastic taste. If you are experiencing a taste of plastic in your tap water, it is important to contact your local health department.

If you think that hard water could be the issue, it may be time for a filter change. You should change your filter at least every 3-6 months or when you notice an obvious decrease in quality.

In some cases, if there is an overabundance of chlorine in your tap cold water line then this could lead to the plastic taste as well. However, it is important to note that this doesn’t happen with all households and usually takes a while before it becomes noticeable enough to identify the smell as coming from chlorine.

It’s important that you address the concern immediately once you notice any type of plastic taste in your drinking water because prolonged exposure can hurt your body and lead to serious diseases like cancer.

Remove the bad minerals and salts

The most common cause of plastic taste in water is the presence of minerals and salts. If you have a water dispenser, then it’s likely that it has a salt-based filter.

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These filters work by removing minerals from the water and may also contain ion exchange resins, which are molecules that bind to other dissolved ions.

The problem is that these materials can cause the plastic taste in your tap water. One way to remove this unpleasant taste is to use distilled or purified water instead of tap water for your dispensing needs.

This will get rid of any minerals or salts from the water and should eliminate any plastic taste you might be experiencing.

Flush out the pipes

One way to fix the plastic taste in your water dispenser is to flush out the pipes. The first step is to shut off the valve at your house. This will stop the flow of water and prevent any more plastic tasting water from coming through.

Next, turn on your faucet so that it is running slowly but steadily. As you do this, run your cold water until it runs clear. Once the water has run clear, turn off the faucet and then turn on the valve at your house again. This should now allow only fresh, clean water to come out of your house.

Replace filters

The first step in fixing the plastic taste in your water dispenser is to replace the filters. Filters are commonly overlooked when trying to fix the problem, but regular filter replacements can often resolve it. Filters can also prevent buildup which may contribute to the plastic taste.

If you’re not sure which type of filter your water dispenser requires, contact customer service or read your manual for guidance.

Run an empty cycle with a lemon slice or vinegar

One way to get rid of the plastic taste in your water dispenser is to run an empty cycle with a lemon slice or vinegar. This will remove any buildup that might be causing the plastic taste. Simply fill your water dispenser and add a lemon or vinegar, then run it through an empty cycle.

The lemon or vinegar will clean off any buildup and leave your water tasting fresh. If you have a dishwasher, run an empty cycle with vinegar

If you have a dishwasher then the same technique can be used in this case. Simply fill the dishwasher with clean water and add a cup of vinegar, then run it through an empty cycle.

The vinegar will remove any buildup that might be causing the plastic taste and leave your dishes clean and smelling fresh.

One way to get rid of the plastic taste in your water dispenser is to run an empty cycle with a lemon slice or vinegar. This will remove any buildup that might be causing the plastic taste.

Simply fill your water dispenser and add a lemon or vinegar, then run it through an empty cycle. The lemon or vinegar will clean off any buildup and leave your water tasting fresh.

Replace your water dispense filter

One way you can get rid of the plastic taste is by replacing your water dispense filter. This will do wonders for your water and make it taste great. You can replace your filter on a regular basis to keep its performance at its prime.

Your local hardware store may carry replacement filters, or you can purchase an electric filter that attaches to the faucet in your kitchen or bathroom.

Change the Water

Changing the water in your water dispenser may be the easiest way to get rid of the taste. While it won’t remove any chemicals from the plastic itself, you’ll be starting from scratch and the chemical reactions that cause the plastic taste will not have time to take place.

You can change the water every week or two if you notice the taste getting worse, or you can do it daily if you are very sensitive to the taste. You can also mix the water with a pitcher or other dispenser that you know doesn’t impart a plastic taste.

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Changing the water is also a good idea if you are looking to add minerals to the water. Minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron are added to municipal water supplies to improve the taste and reduce corrosion in the pipes.

While these minerals are necessary, they taste bad and make the water less desirable to drink. Changing the water will get rid of these minerals, allowing you to add your own minerals in their place.

Install a Carbon Filter

Carbon filters are one of the best ways to remove the taste of plastic from your water dispenser. They work by removing chemicals from the water using activated carbon.

You can either purchase a filter that is specially designed for dispensers or install a larger filter in your water source.

You’ll want to change the filter every few months or when it stops working properly. You can also use activated carbon as a mineral filter. Simply place it in a filtering pitcher or other water dispenser.

Add Mineral Stones

There are several types of stone that can help remove the plastic taste from your water dispenser. They include black slate, serpentine, dolomite and limestone.

They work by absorbing and neutralizing the chemicals that cause the taste.

These types of stones can be expensive and difficult to find, so they’re usually better for large businesses with dedicated water dispensers.

Place the stones in a mesh bag and place the bag in the water dispenser. If the taste isn’t removed after a few weeks, you may need to replace the stones.

Use a Professional Grade Filter

Professional-grade water filters are great for removing the plastic taste from your water dispenser. They are designed to remove chemicals from the water and can be installed in a variety of dispensers.

The filter can be replaced every few months or as needed. These filters are perfect if you want to add minerals to your water. Just be sure to look for a filter that can be adjusted to fit the levels you want.

Try Distilled Water

Distilled water is water that has been purified using a method called distillation. This process evaporates the water and then condenses it again, leaving contaminants behind. The resulting water is pure and has no taste at all.

Distillation is obviously a very time-consuming process, so it isn’t practical as a daily water filtration method. However, it is a good way to get rid of the plastic taste in water dispensers when there isn’t a quick and easy solution. You can also use distilled water when adding minerals to your water.

This way you won’t have a bad taste from the minerals but will still get the benefits of drinking water with minerals.

Add Baking Soda to the Water

Baking soda is a common household item that can be used to alleviate a lot of household problems. It can be used to clean, deodorize and freshen almost anything. It can also be used to neutralize the taste of plastic in your water dispenser.

Simply add a pinch to the water as soon as you start filling the dispenser. The baking soda will neutralize the taste and be dissolved by the water when it’s ready to drink. This method is great for quick and easy solutions but won’t last for very long.

You’ll need to add another pinch of baking soda every time you fill up the dispenser.

Use Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is a water filtration method that removes all contaminants from water. It works by passing the water through a membrane that filters the water of all offending chemicals.

The membrane also removes minerals and other beneficial substances from the water, so they need to be added back in after the water is purified. RO filtration is used by many industries and can be used at home as well.

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It is the most effective way to remove the taste of plastic from your water dispenser. It can also remove other contaminants and make your water safer to drink.

Reverse osmosis is expensive to install and maintain, but it’s a great option for businesses and large households that need guaranteed clean water.


How Do I Know if I Have Plastic Taste in My Drinking Water?

If your water has a plastic taste, it could be due to leaking pipes or old pipes that contain lead. This is because plastics, like PVC, are made of long chains of carbon molecules and any time you melt plastic, some of that plastic will seep into the water. Another reason for this could be stagnant water, which can increase the levels of chlorine and chloroform in your drinking water.

What causes plastic taste in tap water?

There are many different things that can cause the plastic taste. One of the most common reasons is water standing for long periods of time in a plastic container or bottle. This can lead to bacteria growth, which will cause your water to smell and taste like plastic. Sometimes the taste can be intensified by chlorine and other chemicals in the water. If you need help identifying if this is why your water tastes like plastic, you can boil a pot of distilled white vinegar and pour it into a glass of cold water. If it tastes like vinegar when hot, then it’s likely due to high levels of chlorine or other chemicals in your water.

How do I fix my dispenser if I don’t have a filter?

You might not be aware that many newer models come with filters installed, so you’ll want to check with your manufacturer before buying one separately. But if you have an older model without a filter, then you might want to purchase one for your dispenser. Filters are inexpensive, easy to install, and help reduce bad odors as well as chlorine and other unwanted chemicals from reaching your drinking water.

What type of filter should I buy?

There are many types of filters available on the market today, so there’s no single answer for this question. The best way to decide is by considering what makes sense for your needs: do you just want to remove the bad odor from tap water or do you


Water dispensers are a great way to keep hydrated when you’re on the go, but they can be a problem when it comes to taste. The plastic that the water dispensers are made from can cause a bad taste in the water, but there are ways to remove it.

This is the same way that applies on how to remove plastic taste from water bottle. The best thing to do is change the water or install a carbon filter.

You can also add mineral stones, use distilled water or add baking soda to the water. If none of these methods work, install a reverse osmosis filter to get rid of the plastic taste for good.

Plastic taste in your water dispenser can be unpleasant and embarrassing, but it doesn’t have to be. The steps outlined above will help you eliminate the plastic taste in your water so that you never have to suffer through a bad tasting glass of water again.

It’s difficult to enjoy a glass of water when it tastes like plastic. When this happens, you’re left with two options: either you buy bottled water or you get rid of your water dispenser altogether.

You may think the latter is an option but what if there was a way to have the taste of fresh water from your own kitchen without using any plastic?