How to Loosen Stiff Curtains: A Step-by-step Guide.

How to Loosen Stiff Curtains

Just because it’s wintertime, doesn’t mean you need to have your windows covered in heavy curtains. Curtains are a great way to add warmth and style to any room. They can also help with noise control or block out the light. And don’t forget that they just look really pretty. But there are times when your curtains might feel a little stiff and resistant to opening and closing, especially after being exposed to cold temperatures for an extended period of time hence the need to know how to loosen stiff curtains.

To avoid the hassle of having to take them down and wash them, here’s how you can make your curtains more flexible again.

Related Article: How to Hold Curtains Together: 10 Quick And Easy Tips.

Prevention is the Best Cure

The best way to prevent your curtains from becoming stiff is to store them properly. When you’re storing your curtains, be sure that they are completely dry and free of any moisture. If you’re living in a humid climate, you should store your curtains away from any direct sunlight or heat source.

In addition, when it comes to how long you can store your curtains without washing them, this all depends on the material. Curtains made from cotton or linen will need to be washed after three months while polyester and poly blend fabrics can last up to six months.

As for how often you should wash your curtains, this also depends on what type of material they are made from. Cotton and linen fabric curtains will need to be washed every six months while synthetic fabrics only need a wash every year!


-Begin by gathering the supplies you’ll need for this project. You won’t need much, but you will need fabric softener sheets, lint roller, clothespins, scissors, and a sewing machine.

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-Next, measure the width of your curtains with a fabric measuring tape. Write down that measurement to use later on.

-Measure your current curtain rod length with another fabric measuring tape. Make note of this measurement as well.

-Next, clean your curtains thoroughly with a lint roller or vacuum cleaner to remove any dust or debris that could potentially disrupt the process later on.

Loosen Curtains

Curtains are not cheap. They’re often one of the first purchases homeowners make when they move into a new home, but sometimes they end up feeling stiff and resistant to opening and closing. Luckily, there’s a way to loosen your curtains without taking them down or washing them.

The best way to do this is by hanging a wet towel in the space between the curtain panels. This prevents light from going through and can help you avoid noise from loud street traffic outside your window. The wet towel will cause the air to condense on it, which in turn will make your curtains feel much softer and easier to open and close again.

Fill a large bucket with warm water

Fill a large bucket with warm water and let it sit for at least an hour. You can then remove the curtain from the rod and submerge it in the water. The warm water will help to loosen up the material and make it more pliable.

Place the curtains in the bucket and let them soak for 10-15 minutes

Take your stiff curtains and place them in a small bucket. Fill the bucket with enough warm water to cover the curtains. Let them soak for 10-15 minutes to soften up.

Hang them up to dry.

The first thing you want to do is hang your curtains up to dry. This will help loosen the fabric and remove any excess water that could’ve seeped into the fabric after being exposed to cold temperatures for too long.

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After about an hour, unzip the curtains and fold them in half with wrong sides together.

Grab a few safety pins and pin each layer of the curtain together about 10-12 times along the hemline.

Hang them back up to dry again for another hour or so before removing all of your safety pins.

Common causes of stiff curtains

There are a few reasons why your curtains might be stiff and resistant to opening and closing. The most common causes of stiff curtains are:

1) Curtains were exposed to cold temperatures for an extended period of time.

2) Curtains have been washed in fabric softener.

3) Curtains have been dried in the dryer with similar items, such as towels or sweatshirts.

4) Curtains have been hung too close to a heating vent or radiator.

5) Curtains have been left in storage for a long time.

The final result

Take the curtains down from the rod. This will make it easier to work with them.

Soak them in warm water for about 20 minutes.

Use a clothespin or something similar to hold the curtains up while they are soaking.

After 20 minutes, remove the curtains from the water and hang them on a towel rack or clothesline to dry overnight. The following morning, they should be much more pliable and ready for use again!


What can I do if my curtains are stiff?

It may be time to give your curtains a good wash. Curtains can get dirty or dusty, which might make them feel stiff.

What causes curtains to become stiff?

The curtains might be stiff because they’ve been exposed to cold temperatures for an extended period of time.

Will this method work with any type of fabric?

Yes, this method will work for any type of fabric. For example, if your curtains are made from cotton, you can use a hot iron to make them more flexible again. You can also try using a steamer or dryer instead of the hot iron if the material is too delicate for direct heat.


Curtains are essential to any home. They are not only decorative, but are vital to blocking out light and noise. They are also an excellent way to regulate the temperature of a room. However, if your curtains are stiff and difficult to use, they can quickly become a nuisance.

To loosen stiff curtains, there are a few solutions. Prevention is the best option, as it is the first step to solving this issue. Prevention includes washing your curtains periodically to remove any buildup on the fabric. If you already have stiff curtains, don’t worry, you can still loosen them! The best way to loosen curtains is to hang them outside in the sun for a few hours.

However, if this isn’t possible, there are other methods you can try to loosen your curtains. One idea is filling up a large bucket with warm water and placing your curtains inside for 10-15 minutes. You may also want to try using fabric softener on your curtains for a week or two.

No matter which method you use, one thing is for sure – you will have loosened stiff curtains!