How to Stick Paper Flowers on Curtains: A Step-By-Step Guide.

If you have a window behind your headboard, you’ve probably given some thought to how to dress it up. One simple way is by learning how to stick paper Flowers on curtains. For this project you will need scissors, a ruler or straight edge, dowel rod, floral tape or glue sticks, and paper flowers.

The first step is to measure the desired length of the dowel rod. Cut the dowel rod so it’s 1 inch longer than what you measured. Next cut two 3 inch lengths of floral tape or glue sticks for attaching the flowers to the rod.

The last step is to attach your flowers to the end of the cut dowel rod with either floral tape or glue sticks. The simplest way is to stack your flower petals onto the end of the dowel rod one at a time and then press them down with another piece of floral tape or glue stick on top of each petal stack until they are all securely attached. That’s it! You are now ready to hang.

Related Article: How to Loosen Stiff Curtains: A Step-by-step Guide.

What you will need for this project


-Straight edge or ruler

-Dowel rod – floral tape or glue sticks

-Paper flowers

Start by measuring the desired length of the dowel rod.

Measure the desired length of the dowel rod. Rods come in various lengths, so be sure to measure and cut your desired length. Next cut two 3 inch lengths of floral tape or glue sticks for attaching the flowers to the rod.

For this project you will need scissors, a ruler or straight edge, dowel rod, floral tape or glue sticks, and paper flowers. The first step is to measure the desired length of the dowel rod. Cut the dowel rod so it’s 1 inch longer than what you measured.

Next cut two 3 inch lengths of floral tape or glue sticks for attaching the flowers to the rod. The last step is to attach your flowers to the end of the cut dowel rod with either floral tape or glue sticks. The simplest way is to stack your flower petals onto the end of the dowel rod one at a time and then press them down with another piece of floral tape or glue stick on top of each petal stack until they are all securely attached.

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Cut the dowel rod so it’s 1 inch longer than what you measured

The first step to the project is to measure the desired length of the dowel rod. Cut the dowel rod so it’s one inch longer than what you measured. This will ensure that when you hang the paper flowers, they will be at a perfect height and in a straight line.

Next cut two 3 inch lengths of floral tape or glue sticks for attaching the flowers to the rod. Next, attach your flowers to the end of the cut dowel rod with either floral tape or glue sticks. The simplest way is to stack your flower petals onto the end of the dowel rod one at a time and then press them down with another piece of floral tape or glue stick on top of each petal stack until they are all securely attached.

Cut two 3 inch lengths of floral tape or glue sticks for attaching the flowers to the rod

The simplest way is to stack your flower petals onto the end of the dowel rod one at a time and then press them down with another piece of floral tape or glue stick on top of each petal stack until they are all securely attached.

Attach your flowers to the end of the cut dowle rod with either floral tape or glue sticks

The simplest way is to stack your flower petals onto the end of the dowel rod one at a time and then press them down with another piece of floral tape or glue stick on top of each petal stack until they are all securely attached.

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More often than not, people underestimate how much work is involved in marketing an online store. When you have no previous experience with marketing, it’s difficult to know where to begin. One place you can start with is SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing).

While this may seem like a lot, there are plenty of guides available for beginners that help make these concepts more accessible. This post will take a look at five common mistakes made by small businesses when outsourcing SEO services. Read on for helpful tips if you’re considering something similar!

#1 Not Prioritizing Keywords

One of the most common mistakes made by newcomers to SEO is not prioritizing keywords. When you’re writing content, determining what keywords are relevant should be the first step. The next step is making sure that those keywords are incorporated into other parts of your business’s strategy, including web copy, blogs, social media posts, and so forth.

If your content doesn’t have these words in it already, adding them to your post will result in higher rankings because search engines factor them into their algorithms. Remember that quality content should come first before anything else done. The simplest way is to stack your flower petals onto the end of the dowel rod one at a time and then press them down with another piece of floral tape or glue stick on top of each petal stack until they are all securely attached.

You can also make your paper flower garland more personalized by adding a special pattern to the pieces of paper you cut for your flowers. Try lining up the edges of your petals with one another, or using different colors of paper to create a more colorful accent. There are lots of possibilities when it comes to these flowers, so get creative and have fun!

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What to do with left over materials

If you happen to have leftover materials, wrap the rod with floral tape or glue sticks. You can also use the extras to attach 3-inch pieces of floral tape or glue sticks to the back of the flowers and then hang them on another surface (like a headboard) and fill in gaps between flowers with more paper flowers. It’s a simple way to make your headboard look like a beautiful garden.

Hanging the flowers

To hang the flowers, measure from the dowel rod to the window. Cut one piece of floral tape or glue sticks for every 2 inches to 3 inches. Attach a piece of floral tape or glue sticks to the back of each flower and then attach a group of flowers by laying them next to one another on a vertical surface and attaching them together with a horizontal piece of floral tape or glue stick.

Once all your flowers are attached, you can hang them from your curtain rod with an adhesive strip placed every 2 – 3 inches.


Do I need to cut the dowel rod before measuring?

No, you can measure the desired length of the dowel rod and then cut it.

What kind of flowers should I use for this project?

You could use any type of flowers that you would like for this project. You could also paint or color paper flowers or leaves if you’d like.


We hope this guide will help you to easily and quickly create a long lasting, inexpensive way to add a pop of color and life to your living space. If you have any questions not covered in this tutorial, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]