How to Straighten Velvet Curtains: The Ultimate Guide.

Velvet curtains are a gorgeous addition to your home. They fit any design style, and they make windows look more elegant and sophisticated. But like most beautiful things, regular care is necessary to maintain their beauty especially knowing How to Straighten Velvet Curtains when they fold.

There are many different methods for straightening velvet curtains but it always comes down to the same thing: heat and moisture. This guide will teach you how to clean them by hand or with a washing machine, what the options are for ironing them, how to prevent wrinkles, and much more!

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Velvet curtains are a great way to add elegance and sophistication to your windows. They come in many different colors and designs and they look beautiful in any room of the house. Velvet curtains can be used in bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, and more. The downside is that they’re not as durable as other draperies and require regular care to maintain their beauty.

This guide will teach you how to clean velvet curtains by hand or with a washing machine, what the options are for ironing them, how to prevent wrinkles, and much more!

Cleaning Velvet Curtains

by Hand

Velvet curtains need to be cleaned on a regular basis to ensure that they don’t get too dirty. You can clean them by hand by using a soft bristle brush and some soap and water. Start by brushing the velvet curtain on both sides, making sure to brush in the same direction on each side. Next, use a damp sponge or cloth and some liquid soap on the velvet curtain and scrub it gently on both sides. Rinse with warm water and hang it up to dry. Make sure you do this properly as if you don’t, your curtains will look more dirty than they were before you started cleaning them!

Cleaning with a Dry Vacuum

One of the most popular methods is to use a dry vacuum cleaner. A dry vacuum cleaner will remove any dust or dirt from the curtains.

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To do this, you’ll need to clean the curtains with a dry vacuum cleaner until they are all clean. This method will not remove any water stains that may have already happened on the curtains. Another disadvantage of using a dry vacuum is that it can cause static cling with fabrics, making them difficult to iron out later on.

Cleaning with a Wet Vacuum

One of the most effective ways to clean your curtains is with a wet vacuum. Start by washing the curtains in cold water and mild detergent. Fill a tub or large sink with cold water and add one tablespoon of white vinegar per gallon of water. Add the velvet curtains to the liquid and let them soak for between 10-30 minutes. Then take them out, rinse them off, and put them into a bathtub full of cold water. Allow them to soak for 10 minutes before taking them out and rinsing again. Once they’ve been rinsed for a third time, place a wet vacuum over the wet surface of the curtains and turn it on. The vacuum will suck up any dirt or debris left behind from soaking in the cleaning solution.

Cleaning by Hand

Cleaning by hand is the easiest way to maintain your velvet curtains. This method doesn’t require any special materials, and it’s easy to do with a little bit of laundry detergent. Fill your sink with warm water and add a couple tablespoons of laundry detergent. Put the curtains in the soapy water, scrub them with your hands, then rinse them in cool or cold water. To dry them, use an old towel, lay it flat on the floor, and roll up one side of the curtain so it’s touching the towel. Roll up the other side of the towel over that corner to create a small bundle that holds both corners of your curtain. You can then store it in a closet or under furniture for three days to allow it to air dry before fully unrolling again.

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Ironing Velvet Curtains

One of the best ways to straighten velvet curtains is by ironing. Ironing is both easy and effective. To do so, place a towel on the bottom of an ironing board. Place the curtain on the towel with the inside facing down. Tug it tight at all four corners, then smooth it down with your hands. Next, position the iron over one of the long edges of the curtain, making sure there are no folds or bumps in between. Press firmly but not too hard to get rid of any wrinkles. When you’re done with that side, turn it over and repeat for the other three sides until all wrinkles are gone!

Ironing with Heat and Steam

Velvet curtains don’t usually need much maintenance. The only thing you’ll want to do is iron them when they get wrinkles. You can use a steam iron or an electric one, but the best way to iron velvet is with heat and steam. This will take out all of the wrinkles in your curtains and make them look like new! To do this, just set your fabric on a plastic tablecloth or towel to protect it while you’re working. Then lay the fabric over the table while both sides are facing down, then put a damp cloth over that layer. Finally, flip the fabric over so that only one side is facing down on the table. Now all you have to do is press it for about five minutes with your hot steam iron!

Ironing without Heat and Steam

Ironing velvet curtains can be a difficult task. If you do not have an ironing board, the best way to iron them is by using your clothes hanger. Hangers are easier to use because they have more leverage and are less likely to pinch the fabric.

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To start, take the curtain and drape it over the hanger. Then take another piece of fabric, like a cotton t-shirt, and use it as a buffer between the heat of the iron and the velvet material. This will protect your curtains from damage while making them wrinkle free.


How do you straighten velvet curtains?

There are many different methods for straightening velvet curtains but it always comes down to the same thing: heat and moisture. You can either steam or hand wash your curtains, then hang them on the clothesline to dry. The dryer is also an option.

What are the options for ironing them?

Velvet is a thick fabric so it’s easy to burn if you’re using too much heat on it or too high of a temperature setting. To prevent burning, use a low temperature setting and gently go over the wrinkled area until wrinkles are removed. It may take some time but this is one of the best ways to do it!

How can I prevent wrinkles?

One way to keep your velvet curtains wrinkle-free is by hanging them in front of an open window while they’re still wet from washing or drying. This will allow any steam left behind from the process to evaporate away, preventing additional wrinkling. Another tip is to place them in front of a fan while they’re still damp. This will help draw any remaining moisture out of the fabric, making it easier for them to hang flat when they dry.



After all the care and effort you’ve put into your beautiful velvet curtains, it’s frustrating and disappointing if they don’t look as perfect as they should. Whether they need a little touch up or a deep cleaning, we’ve outlined all the steps you need to take to bring them back to their former glory.

This is the ultimate guide for how to straighten velvet curtains, whether you do it yourself or hire a professional. Let’s get started!