How to Protect Your Walls from Chairs: The Ultimate Guide

How to Protect Your Walls from Chairs: The Ultimate Guide

If you have a chair that comes into contact with a wall, you need to know how to protect your walls. Chairs can cause small cracks in the paint and even tear off layers of wallpaper.

If this happens, the wall becomes less soundproof as well as more susceptible to water damage. Luckily, there are ways to prevent these damages from ever happening.

Keep reading for some tips on How to Protect Your Walls from Chairs: The Ultimate Guide.

What Causes Walls to be Damaged by Chairs ?

The chair’s legs are usually what cause walls to be damaged by chairs. When you push the chair back, its legs are scraping against the wall.

This can cause the paint to start chipping off, which leaves your walls susceptible to water damage. If you’re having difficulty imagining this, think about leaning a chair against a wall in your home.

Now imagine someone accidentally kicked or rubbed up against that same chair and it caused it to move back against the wall slightly.

The chair’s leg is now scraping against the wall in order to find balance because it was pushed out from the other side. This abrasive action will eventually lead to paint damage.

How to Protect Your Walls from Chairs

In order to prevent any damages from happening, simply keep chairs from hitting the wall. However, if a chair has already caused some damage, there are a few ways you can repair them.

For minor damage:

Paint over the cracks with a primer and paint in the same color as your wall. This will make it almost impossible to tell where the crack was!

For more major damage:

If the wallpaper is coming off and the paint has been chipped off, you will need to repaint and repaper. To do this, remove any old wallpaper or paint that is still on the wall.

Make sure that there is no old tape on your walls or marks from nails or screws that were used for hanging pictures. Next, prime and paint with a similar color of paint and paper as before.

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If you want to know how to protect your walls from chairs, this article will teach you how!

Related article: How to Stop Chairs from Sinking into Grass.

What you Need to Know

There are many things you need to know about protecting your walls from chairs. In this post, we’ll cover some of the basics.

First, make sure your chairs have a pad on the bottom. This will help protect both the chair and the wall from damage.

You can also use furniture pads to prevent scratching on your flooring as well as scratches on your furniture’s legs! To avoid using tape or tacks to secure furniture, use adhesive felt pads instead.

These are inexpensive and great for any type of furniture that doesn’t stay in one spot. Another way to protect your walls is by adding corner guards to chairs with sharp edges.

These will help stop the chair from sliding into the wall and causing scratches or dents in the paint or wallpaper.

Adding corner guards will also help keep the chair stable when someone is sitting on it, which will prevent it from tipping over onto its side and damaging either itself or another piece of furniture nearby.

Corner guards are easy to apply and do not require any tools; all you need is a pair of scissors to cut them down to size before installation.

You can find these at most hardware stores or home improvement stores like Home Depot for around $5-10 per pack.

How to Protect Your Walls from Chairs: The Ultimate Guide

Things You Should Avoid

The first thing you should do is avoid placing chairs near walls. Think about it: the wall is not going to be able to heal itself if someone smashes into it.

You can also avoid damaging your walls by avoiding heavy objects near them as well as those that might scratch them.

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If you must place a chair near a wall, make sure to use a mat and not the hard floor. This will stop any scratches from happening and better protect your floors.

Tips for Success

1. Put a rubber gasket on the ground where the chair will be sitting.

2, Add felt chair pads to your chairs if they don’t already have them.

3. Place an extension under the chairs so that there is a gap from the chair to the wall.

4. Use a wall protector or a wall guard to prevent contact with walls at all times.

5. Avoid placing your chairs under windows as it can cause damage from water and stains from sun rays.

The Filler Method

The filler method is the most popular way to protect your walls from chairs. It’s simple! Just take a piece of newspaper and tape it to the back of the chair.

The newspaper will protect your wall from any paint chips or physical damage that may occur.

The Caulking Method

One way to protect your walls from the damage caused by chairs is to caulk. First, you need to remove the old caulking around the chair.

Once the chair is removed, you can apply new caulking sealant in a thick layer around the entire perimeter of where the chair meets the wall.

This will help your chair stay in place and prevent it from damaging your wall or paint job.

The Wall Anchor Method

How to Protect Your Walls from Chairs: The Ultimate Guide

One of the most popular ways to protect your walls from chairs is using a wall anchor. It’s important to know that this method can be used for any hard surface, not just walls.

A wall anchor attaches to two points on the chair and then screws into the wall.

The force of the screw causes the chair to move with the movement of the person sitting in it, preventing it from creasing or scratching up your wall.

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It’s worth noting that this method is best for chairs like dining room chairs and bedrooms chairs.

Chairs like high-backed office chairs or low-backed living room chairs may not sit flush against the wall, which would make it difficult for a seatbelt device to work properly and securely


What are some ways to prevent chair damage?

There are many ways to protect your walls from chairs. One way is to place padding on either side of the chair legs. This will provide enough cushion that the chair can’t cause any damage to your wall. Another option is to install a special kind of flooring under the chair so it doesn’t impact the wall at all. However, this might be more expensive than other methods. You could also use furniture pads or felt feet to put under the bottom of the chair so it won’t rub up against the wall and cause any paint damage.

How do I repair my walls if they’re already damaged?

If you notice that your walls have been scratched or dented because of a chair, you should remove all traces of furniture immediately and then patch up the hole with paintable wallpaper before applying new wallpaper over top. If there are larger holes in the wallpaper, you’ll need to replace them too! The last step is applying paintable wallpaper before putting up new wallpaper for good measure.


The best way to protect your walls from chairs is to make sure you’re using the right type of chair in the right place, and using the right method to anchor your chairs to the floor.

This guide will give you all the tools you need to protect your walls from chairs.

You have learnt about all the different types of chairs, the dangers they pose for your walls, and the best ways to anchor them.