How to Use Voltas Water Dispenser

How to Use Voltas Water Dispenser

It can be hard to find the best water dispenser for your needs. With the wide range of brands and types of water dispensers available, it can be confusing to figure out which one is best for your needs.

One way to find the perfect water dispenser is by determining what you need it for. For example, if you’re someone who has a lot of people over and throws parties or has a large family that needs access to clean drinking water, then the Voltas water dispenser will be an excellent choice.

From how it works to how often you should change filters along with upkeep tips and tricks, this guide gets down to business with all the info on How to Use Voltas Water Dispenser.

What is Voltas water dispenser?

How to Use Voltas Water Dispenser

A water dispenser is a simple machine that holds and dispenses water. Usually, it has a small reservoir that you fill with water to provide drinking water access.

Voltas Water Dispenser has the ability to filter up to 10,000 liters of water before the filter needs to be replaced. It also provides hot and cold filtered water at an instant.

The machine itself is lightweight, weighing approximately 8kgs, which means it’s easy enough for one person to move around. In terms of what you need in order to use it, all you need is hot or cold water from your sink faucet or even a bottle of cold water if you’re feeling lazy.

The size is perfect for households who don’t want something too big or bulky but still want clean drinking water available at their fingertips.

How does Volta’s water dispenser work?

Essentially, it filters the water so you can drink it right out of the spout or pour it into a cup for drinking. The most important part of the machine is the filter which removes any impurities in your water supply.

Some models have an extra feature where you can set what temperature you want your water dispensed at which saves time when preparing instant food like noodles, hot chocolate, or soups.

The Voltas Bottom Loading Water Dispenser has a sleek and minimalist design with stainless steel finish on the outside, mainly because it’s shown as an appliance rather than a piece of furniture for decoration.

The body is completely made from stainless steel which makes it durable and easy to keep clean.

It also has safety features such as an auto shut-off system installed in case someone tries to stick their hands inside while it’s operational and an anti-flow device that prevents spills even during power outages.

How often should I change the filters for my water dispenser?

The filters in your water dispenser need to be changed at least once every six months. Depending on the type and model of water dispenser, it could take anywhere from two to four weeks for one filter to run its cycle.

If you’ve used your water dispenser extensively, then your filter will need to be changed sooner than that. You can also check the instructions for each specific brand of water dispenser as they may vary slightly.

Basic cleaning and maintenance

All water dispensers need to be cleaned to avoid any potential damage. The best way to deal with this is to wipe down the exterior with a cloth and mild soap or a water-based cleaner that won’t leave any stains.

For the inside of the dispenser, make sure you rinse out the filter for up to 15 minutes and make sure you dry it thoroughly before placing it back into the machine.

If you don’t follow these steps, mold can grow on your filter which will cause discoloration in your water as well as emit an unpleasant odor.

If there is any type of dirt present in the dispensing area of your Voltas water dispenser, make sure you use a damp paper towel or cloth with a mild soap or water-based cleaner before placing it back into storage.

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Lastly, whenever you change filters for your Voltas Water Dispenser, make sure you dispose of them properly. Never put dirty filters back into the machine as this can cause bacteria growth leading to bad tasting and harmful drinking water.

Clean filters are also essential for keeping your Voltas Water Dispenser running smoothly without leaking throughout your home.

Cleaning the body of the machine

The most important part of maintaining the water dispensers is keeping them clean. To do this, you need to remove the tank and clean it with soap and water. You can also use a disinfectant if you want.

After that, make sure not to put anything on top of the tank as this could cause damage to the body of the machine.

The next step is to take out the filter and rinse it with water or soap until it’s fully clean. To help prevent mold from growing in your tank, ensure that you dry off all water with a towel before putting back in place.

How to Use Voltas Water Dispenser

Cleaning inside the reservoir

To clean inside the reservoir, you can use a kitchen sink sprayer and water. Fill up the reservoir with water and put your hand over the opening to form a seal.

Place your hands on both sides of the reservoir and shake it back and forth to loosen any dirt, dust, or sediment that’s stuck.

Then remove your hand from the opening and allow water to flow into the sink/basin. Repeat this process until everything has been loosened. Once everything is loosened, turn off the water supply so you don’t waste water.

Once all of the dirt, dust or sediment is removed from inside of the reservoir, wipe it out with a cloth or towel along with cleaning it outside in order to make sure there’s no dust or dirt left on either side of it.

You should also run some fresh water through it once more before putting in your desired type of filtered water.

This step ensures that there are no traces of detergent left behind that might affect the taste of your drinking water later on down the line.

How to Use Voltas Water Dispenser

Cleaning other parts of the machine, including hoses and faucets

The Voltas water dispenser is a water dispenser with an integrated water filter that provides clean and healthy drinking water. It’s important to keep the machine and all of its parts clean, especially the hoses and faucets.

There are two ways to clean these parts. You can either use a vacuum cleaner or use a cloth and soap to wash them by hand.

The vacuum cleaner will help remove any dirt or dust in the area while washing it with soap by hand will break down any grease and oil that is collected on the surface.

This will help prevent buildup on your machine which could lead to premature wear on the machine.

Tips for Using your Water Dispenser Correctly

  • – Clean the water dispenser regularly so that the impurities that are present in it do not get accumulated and cause health problems.
  • – Make sure that you are using the water dispenser as per the instructions in the manual.
  • – Use the dispenser to its fullest and make chilled water whenever you need it.
  • – You can also keep a pitcher at the back of the dispenser to store water. This will help you avoid the wastage of water.
  • – You can use the pitcher to fill it with water and take it to your workplace.

Related article: How to Service Water Dispenser.

Where to Buy a Volta Water Dispenser?

If you’re ready to shop for a Volta water dispenser, you’ll find plenty of options online. You can also visit your local appliance store, or even order one online and have it shipped to your home or office.

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For an even easier option, you can use online ordering services like Amazon. There, you’ll find a range of Volta water dispensers to choose from, at all different price points.

One word of advice: to ensure you get a Volta water dispenser that’s the best fit for your needs, make sure to carefully read through reviews and choose a product that others recommend.

What to Look for When Shopping for a Volta Water Dispenser

When shopping for a Volta water dispenser, there are a few key features to look for. These include: – Water filter: All water dispensers come with a built-in filter.

This removes harmful contaminants like chlorine, lead, and bacteria from the water at the source.

Be sure to choose a filter that meets your water quality needs.

– Tank capacity: If the water dispenser will be used in an office environment, you’ll want a tank that can hold enough water to last all day long. If this dispenser will be in a home environment, you’ll want a tank that’s easy to refill as needed.

– Ease of use: Some water dispensers are very easy to use, while others come with confusing or complicated controls that can be difficult to figure out. Look for a dispenser that’s simple to operate.

– Design: Water dispensers come in a variety of sizes and styles, so you’re sure to find one that matches your office space and design aesthetic.

Pros and Cons of Volta Water Dispensers

As with any product, there are benefits and drawbacks to owning a water dispenser. Here are the pros and cons of Volta water dispensers: – Pros: Easy access to clean drinking water whenever you need it, available at a push of a button.

No more lugging heavy jugs of water from the grocery store. No more dealing with the constant need to re-fill water bottles. – Cons: You’ll need to invest in the dispenser and water filter upfront, and they might cost more than you expect.

It’s also important to remember that the dispenser tank needs to be refilled with water every few days depending on how much water is consumed. Some dispensers have an auto-fill feature that makes this a little easier, though.

More Ways to Use Your Volta Water Dispenser

Beyond serving as a convenient way to access clean drinking water, a Volta water dispenser can be used for other things as well.

Here are a few examples: – Serving pitchers: If you’re hosting a dinner party or hosting guests in your home, you can use the water dispenser to serve pitchers of water. Doing this is a great way to impress your guests.

– Dispensing other beverages: Not just water can be dispensed from a water dispenser. You can also use it to dispense iced tea, lemonade, or even cocktails. This is an especially fun way to use the dispenser in parties and other social events.

– Dispensing other things: When you’re not using your dispenser to dispense beverages, you can use it to dispense other things as well. You can use it to dispense cleaning supplies, paper towels, or anything else that needs to be dispensed regularly.

Always remember to follow the instructions while using Volta Water Dispenser

It is important to follow the instructions for Volta Water Dispenser because it helps you to use it in an efficient way. Using it incorrectly can cause issues like water wastage, misuse, and bacterial growth in water contaminants. You can find the instructions for Volta Water Dispenser online or in the user manual.

Use only the designated Volta drinking stations

You can find two types of Volta drinking stations: single-user and double-user. The single-user is designed for one person only while the double-user is designed for two people. The double-user dispensing stations can dispense up to 1.5 litres of water per person per day. You can use the single-user dispenser for drinking water only. For the double-user dispensing stations, you can also use it for washing hands, filling water bottles, and filling water pitchers. Do not use the single-user dispenser for washing hands, filling water bottles, or filling water pitchers as it leads to bacterial growth.

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Take short showers and turn off the tap while you brush your teeth

When you take a shower, you can save 14,000 litres of water every year by taking a three-minute shower instead of a 10-minute shower. You can also save water by turning off the tap while you brush your teeth.

How to add more water to the Volta dispenser?

If you run out of water, you can add more water to the dispenser using the carafe provided, or you can visit the dispenser at the designated times during the week to add water manually. The dispenser will automatically add more water during the weekend.

Tips for effective usage of Volta Water Dispenser

– Make sure to follow the instructions while using Volta Water Dispenser

– Use only the designated Volta drinking stations

– Take short showers and turn off the tap while you brush your teeth

– Add more water to the dispenser when it runs out to keep your dispenser healthy

– Follow the timings provided at the dispenser to add water

– Follow the hygiene tips to keep the dispenser clean: don’t touch the dispenser with your hands, use the carafe provided to add water, and wash hands before you use the dispenser

– Avoid using the dispenser for washing hands, filling water bottles, or filling water pitchers as it leads to bacterial growth.


What kind of water does the Voltas Water Dispenser use?

The Voltas water dispenser uses either tap or bottled.

How often should I change the filters?

You should change filters every 3 months.

Can this be used outside?

No, this cannot be used outside.

Can you drink tap water from a water dispenser?

Yes, you can drink tap water from a water dispenser. This water is treated with chlorine and is safe to drink.

Can you make tea in a water dispenser?

Yes, you can make tea in a water dispenser. All you have to do is to add water to the tea leaves and keep it in the water dispenser. You can also add milk to make a creamy tea.

Is it okay to drink water from a water dispenser if you have a cold?

Yes, you can drink water from a water dispenser even when you have a cold. Make sure you add some extra lemon to it so that it is alkaline and does not cause any harm.

Is it okay to drink water from a water dispenser if you are pregnant?

Yes, you can drink water from a water dispenser even if you are pregnant. However, make sure you add some extra lemon to it so that it is alkaline and does not cause any harm.


A water dispenser is an excellent way to ensure that your family is drinking plenty of water. Whether you want cold or hot water, this dispenser can provide it.

Now that you know how to use a water dispenser, you can choose the best model for your home.

With a water dispenser, you can enjoy clean and pure water, and you can reduce wastage too. Understanding how to use your Voltas water dispenser is the first step to a lifetime of great tasting, refreshing water.

Follow these steps below and you’ll be a water dispensing pro in no time.